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  McKenna likely choice as new state GOP chairman
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Last EditedNone Entered  Jan 15, 2005 05:31am
News DateJan 14, 2005 12:00am
DescriptionIllinois' Republican State Central Committee appears poised to select suburban businessman and former U.S. Senate candidate Andy McKenna as the new state party chairman, according to two prominent Kane and DuPage County committeemen.

Auroran Denny Wiggins and state Sen. Kirk Dillard of Hinsdale, two of the most influential voices on the 19-member panel, agree that McKenna is the "odds-on favorite" to be chosen when the group meets this Saturday in Springfield.

McKenna, 48, was an early favorite in last year's GOP U.S. Senate primary, but his candidacy failed to gain much traction with voters. He finished third behind banker-turned schoolteacher Jack Ryan and Aurora dairy magnate Jim Oberweis.
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