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  John Kline: Tom DeLay is political target; session's secrecy was legitimate
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Last EditedEric  Dec 02, 2004 08:22pm
News DateNov 28, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionYour Nov. 24 editorial takes the liberty of making several assumptions for which you have no evidence, while ignoring a number of important facts.
First and foremost, the House Republican Caucus ethics rule to which you refer was not repealed, it was revised. As agreed to by voice vote last week, the "Bonilla rule" requires mandatory review of any indictment against a member of our party leadership. Within 30 days, the panel of review must make a public recommendation for action, and the caucus must act -- also publicly -- on that recommendation. In addition, we strengthened the penalties for wrongdoing by requiring the immediate removal from a leadership position of any member convicted of an offense.
When the original rule was passed, requiring any member under indictment to step down from a position in party leadership, no one considered the possibility of a rogue district attorney bent on partisan political persecution. Unfortunately, Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle has demonstrated his commitment to doing just that by adding Majority Leader Tom DeLay to the long list of Republican lawmakers he has targeted throughout his career.
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