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  Polling begins in Romanian presidential, legislative elections
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Last Editedhthtrhtrhrtwhwrt  Nov 28, 2004 11:23am
News DateNov 28, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionRomanians went to the polls on Sunday for a general election and the first round of a presidential vote, marking the end of the era of Ion Iliescu in the former Soviet state.

The polling stations opened at 7:00 am (0500 GMT) for the country’s 17.9 million voters, with17500 ballot boxes in use across the country.

A total of 12 presidential candidates will be whittled down to just two -- unless someone wins an overall majority - with outgoing Prime Minister Adrian Nastase, the Social Democrat candidate, likely to go head-to-head with Bucharest mayor Traian Basescu, who heads the center-right Justice and Truth (DA) alliance, in a second-round run-off on December 12.
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