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  Big win brightens (Vermont) lieutenant governor's political future
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Last EditedScottĀ³  Nov 15, 2004 11:06am
News DateNov 14, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionBurlington Free Press article.

An excerpt..."Thirty state senators and an inauguration-day crowd watched two years ago as newly elected Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie picked up the gavel to preside for the first time.

Would he stumble? Dubie had never held an office higher than school board chairman. He had squeaked into the lieutenant governorship almost by accident, it seemed, when two much better-known candidates split the Democratic/Progressive vote.

Dubie smoothly called on Senate President Peter Welch, D-Windsor -- and it was the veteran senator who bobbled the motion to adjourn, naming the wrong date.

"So who is the new one here?" Welch asked, to general laughter.

Dubie, the 45-year-old Essex Junction airline pilot turned Republican politician, has been surprising audiences ever since, making himself at home in the Statehouse and acting as a goodwill ambassador for Vermont from Canada to China.

He delivered his biggest surprise Nov. 2, confounding the pundits by winning a decisive majority in a three-way race for re-election on a night when John Kerry swept Vermont. Dubie's vote nearly equaled that of Gov. Jim Douglas, a moderate Republican who has spent a lifetime courting Vermont voters."
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