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  [AZ] It Depends on What the Definition of "In Play" Is
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Last EditedTony82  Sep 17, 2004 02:15pm
News DateSep 16, 2004 12:00am

The Los Angeles Times has a front-page story today titled: Long a Republican Bulwark, a Growing Arizona Is in Play. Not until page A20 does the paper tell us what is meant by the term "in play":

A poll taken for the Arizona Republic and released last week showed Bush ahead of Kerry, 54% to 38%.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Bush leads Kerry by 16 points, and the headline says a "Republican bulwark" is "in play."

I got news for you, L.A. Times. In California, a recent Rassmussen poll shows Kerry leading Bush, 50% to 42%. That's a mere eight-point difference -- half the spread between Bush and Kerry in Arizona.

I look forward to your front-page article tomorrow: "Long a Democratic Bulwark, a Growing California Is in Play."

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