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   GOP doubts Bennett will pursue re-election
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorMr. Techno 
Last EditedMr. Techno  May 05, 2003 01:50pm
News DateMay 05, 2003 01:50pm
Description Leading Republicans say beleaguered GOP Senate President John Bennett is making plans to drop his re-election bid after next month's primary.

Bennett yesterday insisted he has no plans to withdraw, while acknowledging he has "discussed all options" with political advisers.

Bennett is being investigated by federal and state authorities for double-billing Marlboro as its township attorney and has recently come under criticism for putting his mother and mother-in-law on his legislative payroll. He also reportedly charged the town for revising or reviewing ordinances that did not exist.

Bennett has said the billing problems were the result of clerical errors.

Several GOP sources said Bennett - concerned that he might lose the November election and hurt the party's chances of gaining political control of the upper house - is preparing to step aside.
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