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  Margin of victory key in primary (SC)
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorJoshua L. 
Last EditedJoshua L.  May 24, 2004 10:13am
News DateMay 24, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionThe Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate is David Beasley’s to lose.

The key measure will be the former governor’s vote total in the June 8 primary.

Beasley and five other Republicans are seeking the party’s nomination for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Democrat Fritz Hollings.

The consensus among party officials and political experts is that Beasley must win 40 to 45 percent of the vote June 8, or he could be in trouble.

“Anything less would be a sign of weakness,” Winthrop University political scientist Scott Huffmon said.

The runoff — with six candidates one is all but assured — would be June 22.

The Beasley campaign is reluctant to play the expectations game. His rivals are “trying to put a happy face on losing in advance,” said Richard Quinn, consultant and pollster for Beasley.

With four of the top candidates spending close to $10 million on their campaigns, the bulk of it for media, it is “really kind of silly” to expect one of the challengers to get almost half the vote, Quinn said. “It’s just not going to happen.”
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