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  Democrat [Emanuel]Cleaver facing carwash troubles in Mo.-5
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ContributorUser 490 
Last EditedUser 490  Apr 26, 2004 08:54pm
News DateApr 26, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionLess than a month before Missouri congressional candidate Emanuel Cleaver must disclose details of his personal finances, the former Kansas City mayor has been unable to silence critics charging he used political connections to buy a carwash business.

Cleaver, a pastor who is running for the Democratic nomination to replace Democratic Rep. Karen McCarthy in the state’s 5th District, must file a financial disclosure form to the U.S. House Standards of Official Conduct Committee by May 15.

The form requires a candidate to list income, assets and liabilities, including the names of any creditors and the amounts of any loans.

At issue is a loan Cleaver received in February to pay off more than $30,000 in back taxes on Cleaver Auto Wash, a business he owns in Grandview, Mo.
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