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  Rasmussen: [Likely] Vote for Congress: Democrats 44% Republicans 34%
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Last EditedRipzaw  Apr 07, 2004 11:11pm
News DateApr 07, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionWednesday April 07, 2004--If the Congressional elections were held today, forty-four percent (44%) of Likely Voters say they would vote for a Democrat and 34% for a Republican. 

That 10-point edge matches the Democrat's biggest lead of the year. While 79% of Democrats say they will vote for a Democrat in Congress and 75% of Republicans say they will vote for their party, the big difference comes from unaffiliated voters. Among these voters, Democrats are preferred for Congress by a 21-point margin.

This 10-point lead for the Democrats comes after several days of bad news from Iraq. Following that news, the President's Job Approval Ratings have fallen to their lowest level of the year. John Kerry has also gained his biggest lead of the year (6-points) in our daily tracking poll.
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