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  Social Security Administration
 Deputy Commissioner    

Institutions DETAILS
Parents > United States > Independent Agencies  
Established March 31, 1995
Disbanded Still Active
Last ModifiedScott³ February 01, 2009 12:09am
DescriptionThe SSA manages the United States' social insurance program, consisting of retirement, disability, and
survivors' benefits. To qualify for these benefits, most American workers pay Social Security taxes on
their earnings; future benefits are based on the employees' contributions.

The SSA is headquartered in Woodlawn, Maryland, a suburb of Baltimore.

SSA began life as an independent agency in 1935, became a sub-cabinet agency in 1939, and returned
full-circle to independent status in 1995.

The SSA began existence as the Social Security Board (SSB), [Link] created as part of the New Deal
program of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, by the Social Security Act of 1935.

In 1939, the Social Security Board was merged into a cabinet-level Federal Security Agency, [Link] which
included the SSB, the U.S. Public Health Service, the Civilian Conservation Corps, and other agencies.

In 1953 the Federal Security Agency was abolished and the SSA was placed under the Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW). [Link]

In 1980, HEW became the Department of Health and Human Services. [Link]

In 1994, President Bill Clinton signed legislation returning the SSA to the status of an independent
agency in the executive branch of government, effective March 31, 1995. See 42 U.S.C. § 901.


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Jul 01, 2009 07:00am News Social Security audit finds dead people getting checks  Article kal 

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