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  Belfast South

Parliament DETAILS
Parents > United Kingdom > Northern Ireland > Northern Ireland  
Established November 15, 1922
Disbanded July 04, 2024
Last ModifiedIndyGeorgia May 22, 2024 07:25pm
DescriptionOf the four Belfast seats, this is probably the most affluent with several middle-class areas. It takes in much of the city centre, including Belfast City Hall, and includes several prosperous suburbs, the student populated university area and Belfast's 'golden mile' of restaurants and bars. This seat also includes the Ormeau Road, the site of one of the most contentious Orange marches each year but the electoral ward of Ballynafeigh itself has a mixed population. Not far from there is Ian Paisley's Martyrs' Memorial Free Presbyterian Church on the Ravenhill Road. Ulster Unionist, the Reverend Martin Smyth, has held the seat since the 1982 by-election that followed the killing of previous MP, the Reverend Robert Bradford. Mr Smyth, a strong opponent of the Good Friday Agreement, unsuccessfully challenged David Trimble for the party leadership in March 2000. At the 1998 Assembly election, the leader of the Women's Coalition, Monica McWilliams, won a seat in South Belfast. Martin Smyth is retiring at this election, and the DUP, which did not challenge him in 2001, are likely to put up a candidate this time.



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