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Parliament DETAILS
Parents > United Kingdom > Wales > Wales  
Established June 09, 1983
Disbanded July 05, 2024
Last ModifiedRP May 22, 2024 09:16pm
DescriptionDelyn was a Conservative seat until 1992, when David Hanson narrowly won it for Labour. By 2001, Hanson had a 25 per cent lead over the Conservatives. Labour's success was repeated at the assembly elections in 1999 and 2003, although in the latter, the Labour vote fell 6.1% and Sandie Mewies was elected with just a 9.6% majority. The seat used to be occupied by Conservative MP Keith Raffan, who left to become a journalist, then a Liberal Democrat member of the Scottish Parliament. The population is almost entirely white, with a larger proportion of older people. Manufacturing is the biggest employer in the seat, but overall the economy is based on a mixture of agriculture, industry and tourism. There are strong economic and cultural links with the adjoining Alyn & Deeside constituency, which forms the other half of Flintshire. Delyn comes within the Flintshire local authority. Labour dominate the council, with more than half the 70 seats although the Liberal Demcrates made some gains in 2004. The seat includes the towns of Mostyn, Holywell, Mold and Flint, and looks out over the Dee estuary towards Merseyside. According to the 2001 census, the constituency has the second highest number of people who travel to work by car.



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