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> United States > Tennessee > TN Counties
Website | https://campbellcountytn.gov/ |
Established | September 11, 1806 |
Disbanded | Still Active |
Contributor | Servo |
Last Modified | RP October 14, 2023 06:12pm |
Description | Created from Anderson and Clairborne counties
May have been named for Arthur Campbell
The County Commission is composed of 15 members that represent five districts. Commissioners are elected by voters in their districts for four-year terms and must represent substantially equal populations based on the most recent federal census. Each district is represented by three members. Commissioners must reside within the district they represent and be a qualified voter of that district.
The County Commission holds workshops on the second Monday of each month, and meetings are held on the third Monday of each month. Both are held at 6:00 PM. Local media records each meeting for the public to view. If the second or third Monday fall on a government holiday, then the workshop or meeting affected will be moved to the next day.
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