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  M106: Ban Public Funds for Abortions Initiative
Name No
Votes1,195,718 (64.48%)
Margin536,925 (+28.95%)
Term01/01/2019 - 01/01/2999

Parents > United States > Oregon > Measures > 2018 Measures  
Established 00, 0000
Disbanded Still Active
Last ModifiedRP October 09, 2018 10:30am
DescriptionMeasure 106 amends the Oregon Constitution to prohibit publicly funded healthcare programs, including the Oregon Health Plan and the Public Employees Benefit Board, from covering abortion. It does so by prohibiting the spending of “public funds” (defined in the measure as “funds and moneys under the control or in the custody of the State of Oregon or any of its political subdivisions or public officials”) for any “abortion,” (defined in the measure as a “purposeful termination of a clinically diagnosed pregnancy of a woman resulting in the death of the human embryo or fetus”) except for when that abortion is “medically necessary” (defined in the measure as “a condition in which a licensed physician determines that the pregnant woman suffers from a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness that would place her in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself”) or when the spending of public funds on an abortion is required by federal law.

The measure creates two exceptions to the prohibition on spending of public funds for purposes of abortion. The first exception allows public funds to be spent on those abortions to the extent that the federal requirement is found to be constitutional. The second exception allows public funds to be spent on an abortion to terminate an ectopic pregnancy. The measure states that it does not prohibit the expenditure of public funds for the purpose of health insurance costs, so long as public funds are not spent to pay or reimburse for the costs incurred in performing an abortion.

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