Parents |
> United States > Delaware
Website | http://governor.delaware.gov/ |
Established | October 28, 1776 |
Disbanded | Still Active |
Contributor | ScottĀ³ |
Last Modified | ScottĀ³ August 09, 2008 04:20pm |
Description | Summary
4 year term, Presidential even years
Term Limit: No one can serve more than two 4-year terms in a lifetime
Term commences on 3rd Tuesday in January following general election.
1776 State Constitution.
--From October 1776 to January 1793, the Governor had the title President of Delaware.
--The President was selected by a joint meeting of the Delaware General Assembly.
--The President had virtually no appointment powers and no legislative veto power; the
--position of President (also called Chief Magistrate) was almost ceremonial in nature,
--having very little real power. Term was for three years and could not be re-elected until
--3 years after the end of the previous term. There was no set term begin and end dates.
1792 State Constitution.
--Name officially changed to Governor and popularly elected with a set three-year term
--beginning and ending on the third Tuesday of January. Could not be re-elected until
--three years after the end of the previous term. Under this constitution, the Governor
--was given more power such as appointment abilities.
1831 State Constitution.
--Term was extended to four (4) years. Elected Governor was not eligible for reelection.
1897 State Constitution.
--Elected Governors eligible for re-election. Governor granted legislative veto power. |
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