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> United States > Massachusetts > Advocacy Organizations > MassLPA
Website | masslpa.org |
Established | 00, 0000 |
Disbanded | Still Active |
Contributor | Miro |
Last Modified | Miro June 13, 2011 09:58am |
Description | The Liberty Preservation Association of Massachusetts Inc, hereafter referred to as MassLPA, is a non-profit non-partisan group committed to promoting and defending the established American principles of individual liberty, sovereignty, constitutional government and economic sustainability within a free market system, through educational and political activity.
"The founding members of our organization were foot soldiers of the campaign known as "the Ron Paul Revolution." The remaining people that make up the board of directors and officers are freedom loving patriots we met along the way. Although the campaign for President is now over, the campaign for freedom and liberty has only just begun.
Shortly after Dr. Ron Paul announced his intent to run for President in 2008, supporters immediately emerged and began to organize. Our numbers continued to grow as did the diversity of skills and resources at our disposal. We planned our next step based on the political landscape and delegated the duties to eager volunteers. What began as a ripple in the middle of the ocean was soon a wave of liberty about to sweep the country.
The mainstream media would never allow candidates like Republican Ron Paul or Democrat Dennis Kucinich to gain equal air time and we knew it. Nevertheless, we pressed forward throughout the Primaries and campaigned until the last poll closed. Despite the predictable results, this group doesn't know the word surrender. The wave accelerates as it approaches America's shore.
We spent hours preparing, training, practicing our speeches and strategizing for the Caucus. That's right, Massachusetts has a Caucus....and we were intent on making our presence very well known. When the dust settled Ron Paul supporters grabbed 1/3 of the Delegation for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. A one time grassroots effort demanded and took 1/3 of the Delegate seats. This was no small accomplishment and the GOP knew it.
So we again organized, planned and went on a fundraising tour and brought with us the inherently popular message of liberty. Before you know, we were on our way to make history at the 2008 National Convention. There was only one event in town that week that was bigger than the Convention and it was ours.....the Campaign for Liberty (C4L). The multi-day event was packed with lectures, seminars and political trainings. A non-partisan group from around the country gathered to plan the end of unconstitutional government and blatant attacks on our civil liberties. We left Minnesota prepared to change the face of American politics.
Upon our return from the Convention, we were quite exhausted and enjoyed a well deserved rest. That lasted about one week before we were chomping at the bit to get right back into the fight. As it turns out, the core of the group anticipated continued action and started the procedural and administrative requirements, in April, to form a non-profit non-partisan association to continue our mission for constitutional government and educating the general public to the political dangers that thrive within our current systems. MassLPA was born." |
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