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  Buchanan, Patrick J. "Pat"
NamePatrick J. "Pat" Buchanan
McLean, Virginia , United States
Born November 02, 1938
Died Still Living (85 years)
ContributorClassical Liberal
Last ModifedRBH
Jan 29, 2020 08:16pm
Tags Caucasian - German - Irish - Scottish - Catholic - Straight -
InfoPatrick Joseph Buchanan, usually known as Pat Buchanan, is a conservative journalist and television political commentator from the United States. In 2000, he ran for President of the United States on the Reform Party ticket. He has previously run for President on Republican Party tickets, although he has never received that party's nomination.

Buchanan was born in Washington, D.C. and educated in Roman Catholic schools before attending Georgetown University where he graduated with a degree in English and Philosophy in 1961. He then attended the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York City where he earned a Master's Degree in Journalism in 1962. That same year he became an editorial writer for the St. Louis Globe Democrat newspaper.

Buchanan was an early supporter of Richard Nixon's political comeback, from 1966 on acting as advisor to Nixon's campaigns and accompanying Nixon to the White House in the role of advisor until 1974. He briefly continued in this role with Nixon's successor Gerald Ford. Buchanan has been mentioned as one possibility for the identity of "Deep Throat" in the Watergate scandal.

After leaving political office, Pat Buchanan became a syndicated political columnist and began his regular appearances as a commentator on various national television news shows, including The McLaughlin Group and Crossfire.

Buchanan returned to the White House in 1985, serving as White House Communications Director during the Ronald Reagan administration until 1987.

In 1992 he unsuccessfully challenged George H. W. Bush for the Republican Party Presidential nomination, garnering some 3 million votes in primaries. He again tried for the Republican nomination in 1996, finishing second behind Bob Dole. In 2000 he successfully gained the nomination of the Reform Party, although his nomination was tainted with allegations of unethical tactics and challenges from the John Hagelin camp in many states. He finished fourth with 0.4% of the popular vote (Hagelin garnered 0.1%). Buchanan's nomination as Reform's leader was very controversial within the party, as many of the party's supporters, among other reasons, did not see Buchanan's image as a Nixon Watergate scandal "plumber" as consistent with the party's mission statement, championed by the party's founder and previous leader, Ross Perot.

Buchanan has written five books on his political and religious views.

He and liberal Bill Press cohosted Buchanan & Press on American cable channel MSNBC until it was cancelled in November 2003. Buchanan is still with MSNBC as an analyst and he occasionally fills in for Joe Scarborough on the nightly show "Scarborough Country".

Although considered to be a staunch right-wing conservative, Buchanan believes the Republicans have largely abandoned their conservative principles, and are instead embracing bland, inoffensive positions on most of the major issues. Many of his positions are in line with conservative U.S. Republicans of the first half of the 20th century, but have become uncommon in the Republican mainstream in recent generations.

Buchanan is an open isolationist, is in favor of severely restricting immigration into the United States, and of repealing NAFTA and raising tariffs on imported goods to protect domestic industry. He is also a harsh critic of American foreign policy and believes that most of America's international actions starting with World War 2 have been unjustified, being largely motivated by imperialist desires. Buchanan's belief that the German Nazi regime was not a threat to American interests or national safety have made some of his critics accuse him of being an apologist for the fascist state. Buchanan has a record of anti-Semitic comments. William Bennett has described Pat as "flirting with fascism" and Alan Keyes accused Buchanan staffers of appealing to racist and anti-Semitic voters. He has said that the Holocaust was barbaric and a tragedy; he also has been known to flirt with Holocaust Revisionism. In a March 17, 1990 column, he claimed that the diesel engines used to suffocate inmates at Treblinka could "not emit enough carbon monoxide to kill anybody." Buchanan believes that the Nazi regime in Germany and the Soviet regime in Russia would have in time annihilated each other, and thus America's contribution was not necessary, and may have in fact even been counter-productive.

Because of the way his views differ from those of "mainstream" conservatives, Buchanan is often described as a paleoconservative, referring to himself as a "traditional conservative".

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor
Where the Right Went Wrong : How Neoconservatives Subverted the Reagan Revolution and Hijacked the Bush Presidency  Purchase RP 
The Great Betrayal: How American Sovereignty and Social Justice Are Being Sacrificed to the Gods of the Global Economy  Purchase Craverguy 
The Crusader: The Life and Tumultuous Times of Pat Buchanan  Purchase Craverguy 
Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?  Purchase Craverguy 
State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America  Purchase Craverguy 
Right from the Beginning  Purchase Craverguy 
Day of Reckoning: How Hubris, Ideology, and Greed Are Tearing America Apart  Purchase Craverguy 
Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War": How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World  Purchase Craverguy 

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Sep 19, 2012 07:35am Statement Pat Buchanan: President Obama a 'drug dealer of welfare'  Article RP 
Mar 23, 2012 05:00am Op-Ed by Candidate The Dark Side Of Diversity In Toulouse  Article Jason 
Sep 03, 2009 08:50am Blog Entry Do You Know What Time It Is? It’s Time For Pat Buchanan To Randomly Defend Hitler Again!  Article Homegrown Democrat 
Mar 06, 2009 12:00am Op-Ed by Candidate Afghanistan South   Article Jason 
Oct 28, 2008 11:25am Commentary Obama's First 100 Days  Article CBlock941 
Jun 07, 2008 12:00am Commentary Munich, 1938  Article MadViking 

"A Crossroads in Our Country's History" - Pat Buchanan 1992 Presidential Announcement  Discuss
1992 Republican National Convention Speech - Patrick J. Buchanan  Discuss
  11/07/2000 US President - Popular Vote Lost 0.43% (-47.96%)
  09/24/2000 NY US President - IDP Convention Lost 1.35% (-88.65%)
  08/19/2000 NY US President - RTL Convention Won 90.00% (+80.00%)
  08/19/2000 US President - REF Convention Won 98.69% (+97.39%)
  08/09/2000 US President - REF Mail-in Ballot Won 63.44% (+26.89%)
  06/06/2000 US President - REF Primaries Lost 25.68% (-7.72%)
  08/18/1996 US President - UST Convention Lost 1.18% (-91.51%)
  07/25/1996 US President - R Convention Lost 2.18% (-95.44%)
  07/07/1996 US President - R Primaries Lost 20.76% (-38.06%)
  07/01/1996 US President - D Primaries Lost 0.03% (-88.91%)
  03/26/1996 US President - LBT Primaries Lost 0.91% (-50.57%)
  03/26/1996 WA US President - I Primary Lost 9.90% (-41.18%)
  02/20/1996 NH US Vice President - R Primary Lost 4.49% (-21.32%)
  02/20/1996 NH US Vice President - D Primary Lost 1.21% (-89.80%)
  02/06/1996 LA US President - R Caucus Won 44.34% (+2.29%)
  08/19/1995 Iowa GOP Presidential Straw Poll Lost 18.15% (-6.23%)
  08/20/1992 US President - R Convention Lost 0.81% (-98.24%)
  07/01/1992 US President - R Primaries Lost 22.96% (-49.88%)
US Secretary of Defense - Feb 26, 2013 R Chuck Hagel
US President - Popular Vote - Nov 02, 2004 R George W. Bush
TX District 14 - Nov 05, 1996 R Ron Paul
LA Governor - Initial Election - Oct 21, 1995 R M. J. "Mike" Foster Jr.
NC Superintendent of Public Instruction - R Runoff - Jun 02, 1992 CST Vernon Robinson
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