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  Walling, William English
NameWilliam English Walling
, Connecticut , United States
Born March 14, 1877
Died September 12, 1936 (59 years)
Contributoreddy 9_99
Last ModifedSesel
Aug 18, 2012 12:22am
InfoWilliam English Walling was born in 1877. The son of a rich Kentucky former slaveholding family, he became a socialist while studying at the University of Chicago. After graduating in 1897 he joined the Hull House Settlement in Chicago. He also did postgraduate work in sociology with John Dewey.

Walling worked as a factory inspector in Chicago before moving to New York where he worked with Lillian Wald, the founder of the Henry Street Settlement. In 1902 he visited England where he met Mary MacArthur, head of Women's Protective and Provident League.

In November, 1903, Walling attended the American Federation of Labour (AFL) annual convention in Boston. He met Mary Kenney O'Sullivan and told her about Britain's Women's Protective and Provident League. He invited her to Hull House where she met other women interested in trade unionism. This included Jane Addams, Mary McDowell, Florence Kelley and Sophonisba Breckinridge.

He married Anna Strunsky, a Russian Jew who had been imprisoned for her involvement in revolutionary politics. In August, 1908, Walling and his wife witnessed the Springfield Riot in Illinois, where a white mob attacked local African Americans. During the riot two were lynched, six killed, and over 2,000 African Americans were forced to leave the city.

In an article entitled, The Race War in the North, that he wrote for the Independent about the riot, Walling complained that "a large part of the white population" in the area were waging "permanent warfare with the Negro race". Walling argued that they only way to reduce this conflict was "to treat the Negro on a plane of absolute political and social equality".

Mary Ovington, a journalist working for the New York Evening Post, responded to the article by writing to Walling and at a meeting in New York they decided to form the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP). The first meeting of the NAACP was held on 12th February, 1909. Early members included Josephine Ruffin, Mary Talbert, Mary Church Terrell, Inez Milholland, Jane Addams, George Henry White, William Du Bois, Charles Edward Russell, John Dewey, Charles Darrow, Lincoln Steffens, Ray Stannard Baker, Fanny Garrison Villard, Oswald Garrison Villard and Ida Wells-Barnett.

In 1912, Walling's friend, Max Eastman, became editor of the left-wing magazine, The Masses. Organised like a co-operative, artists and writers who contributed to the journal shared in its management. Walling joined the team as did Floyd Dell, John Reed, Crystal Eastman, Sherwood Anderson, Carl Sandburg, Upton Sinclair, Amy Lowell, Louise Bryant, John Sloan, Dorothy Day, Cornelia Barns, Alice Beach Winter, Art Young, Boardman Robinson, Robert Minor, K. R. Chamberlain, Stuart Davis, George Bellows and Maurice Becker.

The harmony of the group came to and end during the First World War. Max Eastman believed that the war had been caused by the imperialist competitive system. Eastman and journalists such as John Reed who reported the conflict for The Masses, argued that the USA should remain neutral. Most of those involved with the journal agreed with this view but there was a small minority, including Walling and Upton Sinclair, who wanted the USA to join the Allies against the Central Powers. When Walling failed to convince his fellow members he ceased to contribute to the journal. Walling also left the American Socialist Party because of its attitude towards the war.


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  11/04/1924 CT District 4 Lost 27.02% (-44.07%)
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