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  Richardson, Mark L.
NameMark L. Richardson
Poplar Bluff, Missouri , United States
Born March 19, 1952
Died Still Living (73 years)
Last ModifedBen
Jun 24, 2005 03:26pm
InfoRep. Mark L. Richardson, a Republican, represents part of Butler County (District 154) in the Missouri House of Representatives.

Since 1993, Rep. Richardson has served on the Governor's Standing Committee on Job Training and Work Force Readiness, he also serves on the Secretary of State=s Council on Library Development. In 1994, he was appointed to the Statewide Building Code Committee. He also serves on the Board of Directors for the Missouri First Vote Program. He was a delegate in 1992 for the American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL) to Austria and Hungary and in 1993 served on the ACYPL Task Force to the Pacific Mantle Countries of Singapore, Thailand and South Korea.

In addition to his legislative duties, Rep. Richardson is an attorney with the law firm of Richardson and Richardson. He has served as the city attorney for Poplar Bluff (1984-86), the assistant prosecuting attorney for Butler County (1980-86) and president of the Butler County Bar Association (1988-89).

Rep. Richardson is the Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop #166 and Elder and Board member of First Christian Church of Poplar Bluff. He is a member of the Poplar Bluff Chamber of Commerce and the Lions Club. He has served as President of the Board of Local Shelter Workshop, March of Dimes and the Poplar Bluff High School task force on drug abuse.

A 1970 graduate of Poplar Bluff High School, Rep. Richardson received a bachelor of arts degree in political science and history and a master's degree in psychology from Southeast Missouri State University. In 1980 he received the degree of juris doctorate from Memphis State University School of Law.

In 1990, Rep. Richardson was the recipient of the Boy Scouts of America's Award of Merit and in 1993 received Scouting's highest honor, the "Silver Beaver" award. In 1981, he was named one of America's "Outstanding Young Men." Other awards given to Rep. Richardson include the 1994 National Federation of Independent Business Guardian of Small Business award, the 1995 Missouri Chamber of Commerce ASpirit of Enterprise@ award, the Missouri Hospital Association Distinguished Legislative Service Award, the 1996 Voice of Missouri Business Award from Associated Industries of Missouri, the 1996 Farm Bureau Friend of Agriculture Award, the 1996 Distinguished Legislator Award from the Missouri Community College Association, and the 1996 Outstanding Legislator Award from the Missouri Judicial Conference.

Born March 19, 1952, in Poplar Bluff, Rep. Richardson has been a life long resident of Butler County and currently resides there with his wife Kathy and their three children: Todd, Chris, and Megan.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/07/2000 MO State House 154 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/03/1998 MO State House 154 Won 66.73% (+33.47%)
  01/08/1997 MO State House Speaker Lost 45.96% (-8.07%)
  01/08/1997 MO State House Minority Floor Leader Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/05/1996 MO State House 154 Won 68.08% (+36.17%)
  01/10/1996 MO State House Speaker Pro Tem Lost 46.58% (-6.83%)
  01/10/1996 MO State House Speaker Lost 46.30% (-6.79%)
  01/05/1995 MO State House Speaker Lost 49.38% (-1.23%)
  01/04/1995 MO State House Minority Floor Leader Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/08/1994 MO State House 154 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/03/1992 MO State House 154 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/06/1990 MO State House 155 Won 52.38% (+4.77%)
  08/07/1990 MO State House 155 - R Primary Won 51.86% (+31.41%)
  11/02/1982 MO State House 155 Lost 43.47% (-13.06%)
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