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  Lawrence, Lance
NameLance Lawrence
, Northern Territory , Australia
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
ContributorUser 215
Last ModifedUser 215
Jun 24, 2005 08:42am
InfoI am 55 years old, fit and lively and as your member for Arnhem, I believe I have what it takes to put an end to the “out of sight, out of mind” neglect of Arnhem by both major parties - Labour and C.L.P.
And so I present myself with policies as NT Greens endorsed candidate, for election as your member and ask for your number 1 vote in the forthcoming N.T election.

Next year I will have been in the Territory 40 years. In 1966 I came to the NT as a young stockman on VRD. Since then I have worked in the pastoral, mining, fisheries, tourism, horticultural, retailing and services industries, and also spent three years as an elected Community Govt Councillor, giving me valuable hands-on experience in these areas.

I have been associated with the electorate of Arnhem for over 35 of those 40 years, having worked, lived, and traded everything from guns, nets, to mangoes and fruit trees in Arnhem Land.

Self Sufficient agriculture: Better health!
This idea has been developed over thirty years from Kybrook to Numbulwar. Its main focus and motivation is to provide a balanced diet to all Aboriginal people for a healthier and longer life.

Aboriginal people must get their body back.

With community, outstation, house and school gardens included, this simple but effective policy is a positive approach that will add a beneficial legacy of health and a focus for basic employment activity.

If added to the school curriculum, we would see a vast improvement in the physical and educational development of children. Government needs to employ outside workers like market gardeners and less inside office workers.

Gun laws:

The affects of federal gun laws on remote residents of Arnhem?
Police, who were enforcing the safe storage requirements of the new gun laws, took many guns off countrymen. Less wallaby and goose guns being used has caused a bush meat shortage and a rise in the cost of remote living.
A solution to this problem would be the provision of community gun safes in remote police stations, council offices, outstations, resource centres and community stores. This policy will help restore bush meat availability and consumption to pre-gun law levels. And would be safer than what the law already allows.

Fisheries Act:

Recent changes to the fisheries act, first drafted by the C.L.P Govt and then passed by Labour, made the 56 mm mono-filament mullet net illegal. There was no consultation with costal aboriginals or any survey of fish species and their distribution.
An amendment to the fisheries act is required to allow community licences for the use of these mullet nets by resource centres or community councils, so that better use of this abundant species can again legally be made. The health benefits of this simple idea are all so obvious.

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  08/27/2016 NT Legislative Assembly - Arnhem Lost 0.00% (-64.34%)
  07/02/2016 NT MP - Solomon Lost 0.00% (-56.00%)
  06/18/2005 NT Parliament - Arnhem Lost 9.92% (-57.40%)
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