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  Salinas, Laura Maricela
NameLaura Maricela Salinas
Houston, Texas , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
ContributorUser 13
Last ModifedUser 13
Jun 18, 2005 11:59am
InfoAssistant Leasing Administrator

Laura Maricela Salinas, age 27, is a native Houstonian and a resident of the Denver Harbor community for twenty years. She is a proud product of Houston ISD, graduating from Milby High School’s Magnet Science Institute with honors in 1995. She received an Associate Degree in Arts from the Houston Community College System in May 2000.

Laura continued her education at the University of Houston where she was elected Student Regent for two terms (2003-2005) serving as the representative for the 57,000 students from the four UH campuses to the Board of Regents as well as their liaison and lobbyist to the Texas Legislature. As Student Regent, Laura served on numerous University of Houston committees alongside top administrators, including the 2004 UH System Strategic Planning Committee, Designated Tuition and Fee Committee, Campus Facilities and Planning Committee, Administration and Finance Committee, and participated in the Enrollment Task Force.

At UH’s Bauer College of Business, Laura was selected as one of 40 students from among 1,200 applicants to participate in the Program for Excellence in Selling, the number one sales program in the nation. As an active student leader, Laura also served as the Vice President for the Hispanic Business Student Association and Assistant Director of Productions for the Frontier Fiesta Association. In May 2005, Laura was awarded her Bachelor degree in Business Administration with a double major in Management and Marketing and a minor in Latin American Studies.

Active in the political arena since the age of 14, Laura has volunteered on countless campaigns for the city council and mayor, the state legislature, congress and president. Laura has had the unique opportunity to campaign alongside her aunt, State Representative Diana Davila (Martinez) and learn first hand the legislative process while volunteering for her during several legislative sessions at the State Capitol.

Laura’s desire to enter public service was nurtured throughout her youth. In high school, she was involved in Junior Statesman of America where she debated on the floor of the Texas House of Representatives as a legislator. She honed her debating skills and went on to win first place in Texas at the Great Debate sponsored by the National Hispanic Institute. Additionally, she demonstrated interest in community service by helping organize the Youth Corps of Houston to renovate the homes of needy senior citizens.

Laura is employed at Moody Rambin Interests, a commercial real estate firm in Houston. Previously, she worked as a banking service representative for Chase Bank and through the University of Houston interned as a pharmaceutical sales representative for GlaxoSmithKline.

Laura is the proud mother of a ten year- old son, Jimmy Gomez, III.


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  12/10/2005 TX State House 143 - Special Runoff Lost 38.84% (-22.31%)
  11/08/2005 TX State House 143 - Special Primary Won 28.28% (+0.00%)
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