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  Otter, C.L. "Butch"
NameC.L. "Butch" Otter
Address1009 Star Ave
Star, Idaho , United States
Born May 03, 1942
Died Still Living (82 years)
Last ModifedIndyGeorgia
Sep 26, 2018 09:08pm
Tags Married - Army - Military Reserve - Catholic -
InfoThe Honorable Clement Leroy "Butch" Otter of Star,Idaho, was re-elected to a second term in Congress representing Idaho’s 1st District, on Nov. 5, 2002. He received 59 percent of the vote. He initially was elected to Congress on Nov. 7, 2000, with 65 percent of the vote in a four-way race. Prior to that, Otter won the Republican nomination in 2000 by 20 percentage points in an eight-person primary election.

A father of four and grandfather of two, Congressman Otter is committed to maintaining Idaho’s unique quality of life, while expanding and enhancing opportunities for education and employment. He also is a champion for Idaho’s traditional agriculture and natural resource producers, as well as Idaho’s existing and emerging technology, manufacturing, and service industries.

In the 107th Congress, Congressman Otter served on three House committees: the Committee on Resources, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Committee on Government Reform. For the 108th Congress, Congressman Otter received a prestigious appointment to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. It is the oldest legislative standing committee in the U.S. House of Representatives and serves as the principal guide for the House in matters relating to the promotion of commerce and to the public’s health and marketplace interests. Over the years it has developed what arguably is the broadest non-tax-oriented jurisdiction of any congressional committee. Congressman Otter is a member of the subcommittees on Trade and Consumer Protection, Energy and Air Quality, and Environment and Hazardous Materials.

In addition, he once again earned the leadership position of Assistant Majority Whip.

A native Idahoan, Butch was born in Caldwell, Idaho on May 3, 1942. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the College of Idaho (now Albertson College of Idaho) in 1967 and served honorably in the Idaho Army National Guard's 116th Armored Cavalry from 1968 to 1973. He attended Armored Intelligence and Reconnaissance School at Fort Knox, Kentucky in 1968. Otter was also awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Mindanao State University in the Philippines.

Professionally, Congressman Otter’s business background includes membership on the Board of Directors of the J.R. Simplot Company. In addition he served as Director of the Food Products Division, President of Simplot Livestock, and President of Simplot International. Otter retired in 1993 after thirty years with the company. He has also been a member of the Board of Directors of the Kyn-Ten Oil Drilling Company.

Congressman Otter has a long record of public service to the State of Idaho. On January 3, 2001, he stepped down from the office of Lieutenant Governor in his fourth term, having been elected more times and serving longer than any Lieutenant Governor in Idaho history. In 1972 the people of Canyon County sent Otter to the Idaho House of Representatives, where he served two terms. Otter also served on the Republican Party Central Committee and was Chairman of the Canyon County Republican Party.

Congressman Otter formerly served as a member of President Ronald Reagan’s Task Force on International Private Enterprise, the World Bank’s Agricultural Advisory Committee, and the Center for International Private Enterprise. He has been a member of the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry, the Idaho Young President’s Organization, the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association, Northwest Food Producers, and the Board of the National Cowboy Hall of Fame.

Currently, Otter is a member of the Regional Advisory Board for the Museum of the Rockies, the Idaho International Trade Council, and the Elks Club. He is also a member of the Roman Catholic Church, the National Rifle Association, the Maple Grove State Grange, the Idaho Cowboys Association, the American Legion, Idaho 4-H Million Dollar Club, a Grand Slam Member of Ducks Unlimited, and a lifetime member of the Safari Club International.

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know
10/09/2014-10/12/2014 Public Policy Polling 36.00% (+0.0) 49.00% (+0.0) 14.00% (+0.0)
08/31/2010-08/31/2010 Rasmussen Reports 57.00% (+1.0) 41.00% (+0.0) 1.00% (-3.0)
07/15/2010-07/15/2010 Rasmussen Reports 56.00% (-4.0) 41.00% (+4.0) 4.00% (+1.0)
03/23/2010-03/23/2010 Rasmussen Reports 60.00% (+0.0) 37.00% (+0.0) 3.00% (+0.0)

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Dec 11, 2012 10:00pm News Idaho Guv Opts To Build Obamacare Insurance Exchange  Article WesternDem 
Oct 24, 2010 12:35pm News Idaho Governor Becomes Accidental Wedding Crasher  Article RBH 
Mar 28, 2007 08:00am News Otter signs parental notification law  Article Ralphie 

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