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  McNeill, Kirsty
NameKirsty McNeill
London, England , United Kingdom
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
ContributorWishful Thinking
Last ModifedRP
Jul 05, 2024 10:37am
InfoLondon Borough of Southwark cllr 2006-Present

In Midlothian there are 2,446 children living in poverty.

That's 2,446 childhoods I'm dedicating myself to changing. As an Executive Director at one of the world's biggest children's charities I lead a team of 160 to deliver award-winning campaigns and our programmes supporting families here in Scotland and across the UK.

I absolutely love my job but there's nothing I can do in it that will ever make as big a difference to our communities as Labour in government does. That's what's brought me back from community work to politics.

I was proud to work as a Downing Street adviser to Gordon Brown during the financial crisis, translating action at the G20 right down to where it made a difference, in protecting people's pensions, jobs, savings and homes.

Now I'm the chair of the advisory board for Our Scottish Future, giving a voice to everyone who wants to keep our country together but wants -- and needs -- change. I also volunteer on the boards of IPPR, The Center for Countering Digital Hate, The Labour Climate and Environment Forum, Larger Us, The Civic Power Fund and The Climate Coalition. The thing that brings all of this together is my belief that it doesn't have to be like this: that if we focus on what unites us we can meet and master the great challenges of the day. We have the chance to draw a line under the division and distraction of the past - and to inspire the Scottish people with the kind of future we will build together.

A Scottish decade where we have good green jobs, modern manufacturing and where talent - not class - determines what happens in the classroom. A future where we see growth not just in our economy but in our ambitions - where we create a Scotland where no child is hungry, no family is cold and each generation does better than the last. That's what we're fighting for - that's what's on the ballot paper at the general election. I'd love for you to be part of it. Please get in touch and let's get started.


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  07/04/2024 UK Parliament - Midlothian Won 48.64% (+18.49%)
  02/12/2023 UK Parliament - Midlothian - LAB Selection Won 62.83% (+39.14%)
  05/05/2005 UK Parliament - Southwark North & Bermondsey Lost 32.85% (-14.24%)
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