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  Wong, Patrick
AffiliationBC Liberals   
NamePatrick Wong
Vancouver, British Columbia , Canada
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2024 years)
ContributorUser 13
Last ModifedUser 13
May 15, 2005 10:24am
InfoPatrick Wong was appointed Minister of State for Immigration and Multicultural Services on Sep. 20, 2004.

Patrick was first elected in 2001 to represent the Riding of Vancouver - Kensington. He has served as a member of the Legislative Select Standing Committees on Crown Corporations and Public Accounts, and the Government Caucus Committee on Education. He has also served as a member of the Government Caucus' Multicultural Committee.

Patrick is a chartered accountant and, since 1983, has been a partner of an accounting firm specializing in tax and business consulting services. In 1999, after three years as commissioner, he was the Fraser River Port Authority chair until he became an MLA. While living in Hong Kong from 1965 to 1974, Patrick worked in the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation's export and international trade department, with the Hong Kong Housing Authority (social housing department responsible for the low income residents), and as assistant manager of a stock brokerage firm.

Patrick’s professional activities have included serving as vice-chair of the Vancouver Board of Trade's Economic Development Committee and council member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of BC. His community activities included: Canadian Liver Foundation's Asian Development Committee senior advisor; Canadian Chinese Business Development Association founding advisor (1984-2001); Vancouver Chinatown Merchants Association advisor (1983-2001); Celebrating the Year of Older Persons Committee chair (1999-2000); Vancouver-Kensington Chinese Seniors Club advisor; Victoria Drive Business Association president.

Born in Hong Kong, Patrick and his wife Jenny have four children.


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  05/17/2005 BC Legislative Assembly - Vancouver-Kensington Lost 42.29% (-7.67%)
  05/16/2001 BC Legislative Assembly - Vancouver-Kensington Won 47.56% (+8.74%)
BC Liberal Party Leader - Feb 03, 2018 BCL Andrew Wilkinson
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