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  Oberweis, Jim
NameJim Oberweis
Bonita Springs, Florida , United States
Born June 10, 1946
Died Still Living (79 years)
ContributorNone Entered
Last Modifedev
Mar 05, 2025 04:13pm
Tags Married - Straight -
InfoJim Oberweis is a successful entrepreneur, family man, and common sense conservative.

A 61-year-old resident of Sugar Grove -- just west of Aurora, Illinois -- Jim is a lifelong resident of the Fox Valley. He graduated from Marmion Military Academy before going on to earn a B.A. from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana and, later, an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.

Soon after graduating from the University of Illinois, he started a career in the financial services industry, eventually starting three no-load mutual funds -- one of which, the Oberweis Micro-Cap Fund, was rated as one of the top performing small cap growth funds in the country over the last five years. Today, Jim serves as the Chairman of Oberweis Asset Management, which now manages more than $3 billion in assets.

Jim also serves as the Chairman of Oberweis Dairy, a business founded by Jim's grandfather, Peter, who began delivering milk to his Aurora neighbors in 1915. Under Jim's leadership, the Dairy has grown enormously -- from one ice cream store and 50 employees, to 43 ice cream stores and more than 1,000 employees.

In both of these entrepreneurial ventures, Jim has learned first-hand the joys and struggles of the small business owner, as he has gone about creating jobs, growing the economy, and ensuring that expenses don't run ahead of revenues.

Jim is the Republican candidate for the 14th Congressional District seat soon to be vacated by former House Speaker Denny Hastert, our 11-term U.S. Representative.

Jim is a common sense conservative: pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-tax cut, pro-spending cut, and pro-growth. Jim believes we must secure our borders and end illegal immigration, and believes we must defend our homeland and support our troops against the Islamic extremists who are determined to destroy us. He is determined to cut the special-interest pork and end wasteful government spending, and will stand up for traditional cultural values.

Jim is a member of the Illinois Republican Party Finance Committee and the Kane County Republican Advisory Board, and serves as a precinct committeeman in Kane County's Sugar Grove Township.

Jim is active in several organizations, including the Three Fires Council Boy Scouts of America and the United Republican Fund. The Oberweis Foundation -- created and funded by Jim's own philanthropic contributions -- supports charitable efforts with an emphasis on services that provide food and shelter to the neediest among us, as well as programs for youth.

Jim is married, and has five adult children and fourteen grandchildren, all of whom call Illinois home. Jim is a member of Holy Angels Parish in Aurora, Illinois.

About Jim Oberweis

Running for: U.S. House
District: 14
Party: Republican
Background Info
M/F: Male
Family: Married, Spouse: Julie; 5 Children: Jim, Joe, Julie, Jenni, Trish.
Date of Birth: 06/10/1946
Place of Birth: Aurora, IL
Home town: Sugar Grove
Religious Beliefs: Roman Catholic

MBA, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business BA, Political Science, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.

Professional Work:
Chairman, Oberweis Asset Management Chairman, Oberweis Dairy.

Political Experience:
Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 14, 2008 Candidate, Governor of Illinois, 2006 Candidate, United States Senate, Illinois, 2004 Candidate, United States Senate, Illinois, 2002.

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Aug 05, 2011 06:00am News Oberweis eyes run in Lauzen’s district  Article ArmyDem 
Apr 20, 2006 04:00pm General Oberweis fails to get party post  Article COSDem 
Mar 03, 2006 09:00pm Analysis Faking News in the Illinois Governor Race: Oberweis uses made-up headlines against a rival in the GOP primary  Article Guy 
Dec 30, 2004 12:00am Profile Jim Oberweis, candidate for IL GOP State Party Chairman  Article None Entered 
Mar 12, 2004 12:00am Endorsement James "Pate" Philip Endorses Jim Oberweis  Article None Entered 
Feb 21, 2004 12:00am News Outcry on Right Over Bush Plan On Immigration  Article None Entered 

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