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  Terry, Mary Sue
NameMary Sue Terry
Patrick County Mountain, Virginia , United States
Born September 28, 1947
Died Still Living (78 years)
ContributorNot in Public Domain
Last ModifedMr. Matt
Sep 28, 2020 06:20pm
Tags English - Irish - Catholic -
InfoAfter serving for four years as an assistant commonwealth's attorney in Patrick County and practicing law privately, Mary Sue Terry (born September 28, 1947) represented the counties of Henry, Patrick, and Pittsylvania and the city of Martinsville in the Virginia House of Delegates from 1978 until 1985. She supported legislation that established the concept of equitable distribution of marital property in divorce cases and sponsored tougher penalties for drunk drivers. In 1985 Terry became the first woman elected to statewide office in Virginia and the second woman to serve as a state attorney general in the United States. In her reelection bid in 1989, she became the first elected official in Virginia history to receive more than one million votes. As attorney general, Terry successfully proposed legislation to reform insurance rates; to strengthen laws related to drunk driving, drug abuse, and family violence; and to rewrite laws on waste management and clean water. In 1993 Terry resigned as attorney general to campaign for governor. Despitean early and significant lead, she ran a lackluster campaign and lost to George F. Allen.

Born in Martinsville, Mary Sue Terry received her undergraduate degree from Westhampton College and a master's degree and a law degree from the University of Virginia. She was a visiting professor at the Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond from 1995 until 2001. Today, Terry lives on her family farm in Patrick County, maintains a law practice, and consults for Microsoft Corporation. Her significance in Virginia history and her continuing service to Virginia led Doreen Pauley's eleventhgrade Advanced Placement United States History class at Sherando High School, in Stephens City, and D'Anna Lynna Gibson, an eighthgrade student in Katie Sandlin's class at the Gereau Center for Applied Technology and Career Exploration, in Rocky Mount, to nominate Terry as one of the 2009 Virginia Women in History.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/02/1993 VA Governor Lost 40.89% (-17.38%)
  11/07/1989 VA Attorney General Won 63.20% (+26.41%)
  11/05/1985 VA Attorney General Won 61.40% (+22.80%)
  11/08/1983 VA State House 010 Won 99.90% (+99.79%)
  11/02/1982 VA State House 010 Won 99.78% (+99.56%)
  11/03/1981 VA State House 012 Won 40.25% (+2.04%)
  11/06/1979 VA State House 013 Won 27.30% (+0.00%)
  11/08/1977 VA State House 013 Won 22.78% (+0.28%)
VA Lt. Governor - D Primary - Jun 08, 2021 D Sam Rasoul
VA Attorney General - D Primary - Jun 08, 2021 D Jerrauld C. "Jay" Jones
VA US President - D Primary - Feb 12, 2008 D Hillary Clinton
VA Constitutional Amendment - Ban on Same-Sex Marriage/Civil Unions - Nov 07, 2006 NO No
VA US President - D Primary - Feb 10, 2004 D Wesley Clark
VA US Senate - D Primary - Jun 14, 1994 CST Virgil H. Goode, Jr.
VA US President - D Primary - Mar 08, 1988 D Al Gore
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