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  Daggett, George T.
NameGeorge T. Daggett
Address328 Sparta Ave.
Sparta, New Jersey , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedWSNJ
May 26, 2023 04:34pm
InfoGeorge Daggett is a trial lawyer; nothing more, nothing less. Whether it’s a murder case or a parking ticket or various kinds of employment law cases, he can be found in many of the Superior Court vicinages or municipal courts. A graduate of St. John’s Law School in New York, he clerked in Bergen County for two judges of what used to be the County Court.

Appointed by Gov. William Cahill, he was the last part-time Sussex County Prosecutor and brought that office into the modern age, where it became a first-class law enforcement agency. In 1984, as part of one of the first groups, he was certified as a civil and criminal trial attorney. He was a member of JPAC, where he was known for his humor. Older lawyers remember a younger George Daggett and Justice Morris Pashman, when he was the Bergen County Assignment Judge, turning the daily calendar call into a humorous exchange. He has served as master of ceremonies at the retirement of judges, and recently served in that position for the swearing in of State Bar President Paris Eliades.

Known as a lawyer who loves being a lawyer, he has successfully represented the rank-and-file members of the New Jersey State Police against that organization for LAD and CEPA violations. He also successfully represented officials of the International Longshoreman’s Association in a high-profile organized crime trial in the Eastern District of New York.

He was recommended to the Law Journal with the following statement: “If the Lifetime Achievement Award is for great things having been done, then George Daggett is not your man. If, however, you are looking for a lawyer who has done thousands of ordinary things in a great way, then he is.”

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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  06/08/1993 NJ State Senate 24 - R Primary Lost 42.84% (-14.31%)
  06/04/1991 NJ State Senate 24 - R Primary Lost 47.22% (-5.56%)
  11/06/1990 NJ State Senate 24 - Special Election Lost 26.32% (-28.26%)
  06/06/1989 NJ General Assembly 24 - R Primary Lost 15.05% (-17.34%)
  06/03/1969 NJ Assembly 13C - D Primary Lost 11.75% (-20.96%)
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