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  Myers, Bobbie Edward "Bob"
NameBobbie Edward "Bob" Myers
Address418 Third Avenue
Huntington, West Virginia , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
ContributorNot in Public Domain
Last ModifedRBH
Dec 22, 2012 03:40pm
InfoBob Myers graduated from West Virginia University with a B.S. in Business Administration. He was a special agent in counter intelligence while serving in the military. Bob is a successful businessman and has been involved in politics since he was a very young boy. With his partner/wife Poochie, Bob has continued his entrepreneurial abilities by helping others to see their dreams in business. He has held many offices in the communities he has lived in, including Vice Mayor and various director and chairman positions for road bond issues, school board commissions, and political party election campaigns. Bob has been a candidate for Congress, Senator and Governor in the state of West Virginia.

He has been involved with learning about what makes a state work for many years and has been in commerce with his family owned moving and storage business. In addition, Bob knows about the agricultural pathways and has owned and operated a successful farm in West Virginia. His spiritual pathway led him to his partner/wife Poochie and together they work to harmonize a more peaceful and loving environment for the Good Of All. Bob and Poochie have 3 children, Tammy, Scott and Holly and 5 grandchildren, Scott Jr., Nathan, Christina, Travis, and Kieth. Bob and Poochie love the outdoors and animals. They have 3 standard poodles named Bo, Who and Boo. In addition, they have a parrot named Perfect. Over the years Bob has found that through teamwork, communication and shared ideas we can influence our government in a positive way.

We look forward to your ideas and comments on how you see the way it can be.

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/07/2000 WV Governor Lost 0.86% (-49.27%)
  05/14/1996 WV Governor - D Primary Lost 0.92% (-38.62%)
  05/10/1988 WV US Senate- D Primary Lost 19.23% (-61.54%)
  05/11/1976 WV District 4 - D Primary Lost 16.65% (-20.80%)
  05/09/1972 WV Governor - D Primary Lost 10.34% (-61.86%)
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