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  Loar, Teresa Ann
NameTeresa Ann Loar
Kansas City, Missouri , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Feb 07, 2015 04:51pm
InfoFormer Kansas City Councilwoman and long time Republican.

A Texas native, Loar has lived in the Northland for 37 years. She was a campaign aide to former congressman Tom Coleman, a Republican who represented the Missouri's 6th Congressional District from 1977 to 1993. She was elected to the North Kansas City School Board in 1989 and served on that board until her election to the Kansas City Council in 1995.

With 14 years of service in non-partisan elected office, Teresa Loar has proven herself as an independent fighter for our community.

As a two-term Kansas City Councilwoman, Teresa fought to bring the new Police Academy and two new fire stations to the Northland. She served as Chairwoman of the Aviation Committee and oversaw major improvements to KCI and the Downtown Airport . Teresa held contractors accountable and ensured the improvements were completed on time and under budget.

As the former President of the North Kansas City School Board and as a mother and grandmother, Teresa knows the importance of education and adequetly funded schools. While on the School Board, Teresa fought to put a computer in every classroom and reduce class sizes by securing land for Northview Elementary and the new high school.

In the Missouri House of Representatives, Teresa will hold state government accountable and ensure that resources are spent efficiently to properly fund education, make health care affordable, help seniors survive the esclating cost of living, and create jobs for Northland families.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  06/18/2019 Kansas City Council - 2nd District - At-Large Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  06/23/2015 Kansas City Council - 2nd District - At-Large Won 66.39% (+32.79%)
  04/05/2005 MO State House 038 - Special Election Lost 48.42% (-3.17%)
  08/08/2000 MO District 6 - R Primary Lost 16.99% (-51.06%)
  03/30/1999 Kansas City Council - 1st District Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  03/28/1995 Kansas City Council - 1st District Won 59.89% (+19.78%)
MO US President - D Primary - Mar 10, 2020 D Joe Biden
Kansas City Mayor - Primary - Apr 02, 2019 D Jason Kander
Kansas City Mayor - Mar 22, 2011 D Mike Burke
MO District 5 - D Primary - Aug 03, 2004 D Emanuel Cleaver II
MO District 6 - Nov 07, 2000 D Steve Danner
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