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  Smith, Greig
NameGreig Smith
Northridge, California , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2024 years)
Last ModifedPatrick
Feb 05, 2007 10:18am
InfoGreig Smith grew up in Whittier, California where he met and later married his high school sweetheart Christine. They recently celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary. Soon after marrying, Greig and Christine moved to Chatsworth. They eventually bought a home in Granada Hills, where their two children were born and raised. Their son Matthew graduated from the University of Southern California Film School and now works as an entertainment industry professional. Krista, their daughter, graduated from the University of California at Irvine and is an elementary school teacher.

Greig attended the University of Southern California where he earned a B.A. in Public Policy and an M.A. in Public Administration. Greig was an honors student at USC, receiving the prestigious Hufford Fellowship for undergraduate honors students. In addition to his formal education, Greig has studied smart growth and waste management alternatives in Europe. He holds a Certificate in Business Advertising from UCLA.

In 1973 Greig and Christine started a formal wear business in Northridge, employing many local students. The business tripled in size over the next few years. Greig became an active member in both the Granada Hills and Northridge Chambers of Commerce. In 1976 the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce selected Greig as their “Citizen of the Year.”

Greig joined the North Hills Jaycees, a community service and leadership training organization. During his tenure, he served in various positions of leadership, including president, and chaired many projects that benefited the community. Few Valley residents will forget the Jaycee-sponsored Factory of Nightmares, an annual Halloween haunted-house fundraiser that raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for local charities. Greig was recognized for his leadership achievements as a Jaycee, earning the Outstanding Jaycee award for the state of California. He was also cited as one of the ten best Jaycees in the United States.

For many years Greig has been a member of the Board of Directors of the North Valley YMCA, serving as chairman in 1988 and 1991. He co-chaired the fundraising drive to build a world-class YMCA facility in north San Fernando Valley. The North Valley YMCA honored him as “Volunteer of the Year” and The Association of Los Angeles Metropolitan YMCAs recently awarded him the prestigious Golden Book Award for lifetime achievement.

Greig’s community activities include serving as: a board member of CIVICC, where he co-authored the Phase II report; Vice Chairman of the San Fernando Valley Breakfast Forum; a member of the 1984 Olympic Organizing Committee; a board member of the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce; the Legislative Chairman of the Northridge Chamber of Commerce; Chairman of the Capital Campaign advisory panel for New Horizons; and a co-founder of SOLID (Supporters of Law Enforcement In Devonshire).

In 1979 Greig joined the staff of newly elected City Councilman Hal Bernson. In 1980 he became Councilman Bernson’s Chief Deputy and served in this capacity through the end of Mr. Bernson’s tenure. As chief deputy Greig was instrumental in developing and facilitating various projects, including the creation of the Chatsworth Nature Preserve and the preservation of Stony Point Park. He played a pivotal role in saving the Northridge Little League fields, as well as in securing funding for AYSO Fields in Granada Hills. He recently led a team of Granada Hills citizens responsible for developing Bee Canyon, the first new park in Granada Hills, in over thirty years. Greig is currently championing the fight to save the North Valley Jewish Community Center from imminent closure.

By participating in the formation of the formidable North Valley Coalition, Greig has been on the forefront of the twenty-year battle to close Sunshine Canyon Landfill in Granada Hills. Mayor James K. Hahn recognized his unique experience by appointing him to the City's Landfill Oversight Committee, where he chairs the Future Alternatives Technology subcommittee. He is dedicated to closing all neighborhood landfills in order to preserve the health and safety of our families and communities.

Family and neighborhood safety are top priorities for Greig. In 1992 he enrolled in the Los Angeles Police Academy with the intent of becoming a volunteer Reserve Officer. His classmates elected him their class president. After graduation he worked as a patrol officer in the Valley’s Devonshire Division. The Los Angeles Police Department awarded him the LAPD Reserve Officer of the Year Award for the Devonshire Division. Greig maintains his strong commitment to public safety, following through on his commitment to the residents of the Twelfth District to "serve" them as their Councilman and "protect” them as an LAPD Reserve Officer in the Devonshire Division.


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