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  Burke, Jr., Eddie
NameEddie Burke, Jr.
Anchorage, Alaska , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
ContributorBarack O-blame-a
Last ModifedRBH
Aug 05, 2021 07:10pm
InfoI am running for the office of lieutenant governor because I love Alaska. I love our people, our culture, and our independent spirit. I am constantly in awe of the beauty and the serenity to be found here, and I want to ensure that our home continues to thrive for generations to come.

When I think of the reasons I stepped up to enter this race for office, my motivation came at the moment when I realized that it was time for me to do my part to secure a prosperous future for our state. As I campaign to become Alaska’s next lieutenant governor in the coming weeks and months, I count this as an opportunity to demonstrate the faith I have in this cause and in the people of our beautiful state.

Though Alaska has financially benefited from its abundant natural resources, particularly the success of the oil and gas industry, I understand that current state budgets are unsustainable over the long term. Therefore, I will encourage and support the Governor and State Legislature to be fiscally responsible in the governance of Alaska. I know that thoughtful actions taken today will help secure the future for Alaska’s children.

The issues important to me are those that are important to the livelihood of all Alaskans. As a well-known and outspoken media personality on local radio, I have been a staunch defender of the Second Amendment and the rights of the unborn. In addition, I am a Disabled Navy Veteran and the son of a Marine, thus, the concerns of Alaska’s veterans are close to my heart and I am dedicated to honoring and respecting their sacrifices for our country.

As lieutenant governor, I will continue to be a passionate proponent of these important issues, while also stressing the importance of the responsible stewardship of the State’s financial resources.

I have been an active member of the Alaskan community since I arrived 38 years ago. In addition to my media career as host of the radio program The Eddie Burke Show, I have been a small business owner and active on the boards of Special Olympics, Crimestoppers, Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, Legislative Committee and President of Alaska State Snowmobile Association. Furthermore, I gained valuable legislative experience as a Chief-of-Staff in the Alaska State Legislature.

Today, I make my home in Anchorage, Alaska with Linda, my wife of 28 years. We are the parents of four children, and the proud grandparents of three young Alaskans. I am seeking the office of Lieutenant Governor in order to secure a bright future for my family and for all Alaskans.

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  08/24/2010 AK Lt. Governor - R Primary Lost 13.91% (-38.99%)
  08/22/2006 AK Governor - Open Primary Lost 1.62% (-67.51%)
  11/02/2004 AK Senate O Lost 8.42% (-43.82%)
  08/24/2004 AK Senate O- All Party Primary Won 15.40% (-11.24%)
  04/20/1993 Anchorage Assembly - Seat I Lost 43.60% (-0.31%)
Measure 1 - Alaska Anti-Corruption Act - Aug 24, 2010 YES Yes
Measure 2 - Alaska Parental Involvement Act - Aug 24, 2010 YES Yes
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