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  Greene, Bill
AffiliationLiberal Democrats   
NameBill Greene
Address10 Lowstead Pl
Blackpool, England , United Kingdom
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
ContributorSome say...
Last ModifedRP
Jul 01, 2024 10:09am
InfoHaving lived on the Fylde coast for many years Bill Greene is aware of the problems that affect the whole of this area.

Those problems all come down to one thing – there are not enough jobs! Why - well one reason is that both of the other major parties have been too busy fighting each other - putting party politics before the needs of this area.

As an immediate priority, Bill is looking for more government jobs to be moved to this area – we have the skills and the experienced workforce.The other priority is to create in this area the conditions where there will be the investment in quality tourist venues that will attraction more and more people to come here to relax and enjoy themselves.

For 15 years Bill Greene was a Councillor on Fylde Borough Council and actively demonstrated that he will work with those who put the best interests of others before narrow party political issues.

The terrible economic situation could be a real opportunity. If we work together to understand and agree what is needed – and then to make it happen – we will create a fairer and better place to live. A place where everyone is treated as an equal and everyone agrees to treat everyone else as an equal. So instead of shouting at each other and ignoring each other we will listen and treat each other fairly and work together.Bill moved to this area in 1969. In 2003 he moved to East Lancashire (the company he works for opened offices in Preston). He is in the process of moving back to the Fylde coast - looking to live in Blackpool – when he can sell his current house!

Bill is married to Irene and has a large extended family covering five generations


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  07/04/2024 UK Parliament - Blackpool North & Fleetwood Lost 3.15% (-36.90%)
  12/12/2019 UK Parliament - Blackpool South Lost 3.08% (-46.53%)
  06/08/2017 UK Parliament - Blackpool South Lost 1.81% (-48.49%)
  05/07/2015 UK Parliament - Blackpool South Lost 2.29% (-39.48%)
  05/06/2010 UK Parliament - Blackpool North & Cleveleys Lost 13.30% (-28.49%)
  05/05/2005 UK Parliament - Hyndburn Lost 14.14% (-31.84%)
  06/07/2001 UK Parliament - Hyndburn Lost 9.62% (-45.03%)
  05/01/1997 UK Parliament - Fylde Lost 14.61% (-34.25%)
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