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  Kadiri, Golam
AffiliationReform UK   
NameGolam Kadiri
, England , United Kingdom
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRP
Jul 01, 2024 07:04am
InfoIn the upcoming general election, the residents of Nottingham North and Kimberley face a straightforward decision.

Will they opt for change, or stick with the status quo? While change is greatly needed, it doesn't have to involve selecting from the usual lineup of career politicians and party loyalists. There is now minimal distinction between Labour and Conservative; both parties have ultimately converged in the centre, exactly where they aim to be. In fact, Keir Starmer's main argument to conservatives during the Labour party conference was that voting for Labour would mean slightly less ineffectiveness than the Conservatives. This doesn't offer much of a choice, does it?

Reform delivers exactly what it promises: genuine change and common sense. It aims to rescue Britain from extreme wokeism, excessive spending, high taxes, the chaos of Net Zero policies, unchecked legal and illegal immigration, the meddling of the European Court of Human Rights, and the comfortable consensus at Westminster that has deprived us of the true Brexit that most people in this constituency voted for.

I live and work in Midlands and my family resides with me. I have been involved in community work for a long time therefore, I am aware about the challenges local people are facing. Nottingham North and Kimberley needs an MP who would follow those issues. People in Nottingham North and Kimberley are looking for a change; change which will save Britain and make Britain great place to live. This is the right time to choose the right leader who can foster that change. I have experience in community work as well as in the private sector and business. I have been in garments business for over a decade. I have been a regional manager in a mobile company, and I am now a motor trader. I have worked in Bangladesh and UK.

Nottingham North and Kimberley needs a strong representative in parliament to achieve real results. Despite Rishi Sunak's several promises, no progress has been made. Who is pushing for this progress? Who is protecting our people in this situation of high living cost? People are telling me they feel let down and have little faith in the main parties. Therefore, it is time to opt for an alternative.

If you really want a determined representative who believes in getting results, then put your cross next to Reform UK on polling day.


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  07/04/2024 UK Parliament - Nottingham North & Kimberley Lost 20.15% (-26.93%)
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