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  Davies, Nicholas
NameNicholas Davies
, England , United Kingdom
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRP
Jun 14, 2024 09:34am
InfoI’m Nick Davies, Prospective Parliamentary candidate for Hastings and Rye for the Communist Party of Britain.

I have lived in Hastings since 2012 after moving from Eastbourne. I am autistic and I work in the NHS for a Community Rehab Team in an administrative capacity. I see my colleagues fighting to provide a quality service against a background of budget cuts imposed by this government.

I am a socialist because I believe that we need a fair and compassionate society where people should matter more than the greed of the few. I believe that an equitable society where everyone’s basic needs are met is an achievable goal.

I am putting myself forward as a candidate to give the people of Hastings and Rye a REAL choice, not the manufactured narrative sold by a complicit media telling us there is no alternative to neo-liberalism, austerity, exploitation and perpetual war just to make the wealthy even wealthier.

I am standing for the Communist Party of Britain because I believe their 12-point manifesto lists policies that can make a concrete improvement in people’s every day lives and lead to a transformation of our society from a heartless capitalist one to a caring socialist one.

In Hastings there are over 1’400 people on the Council’s waiting list. Rent controls and a massive council house building programme would help solve it. We must end the ‘right to buy’ to give councils an incentive to build or purchase and do up properties by stopping occupants from buying at a discount then cashing in. Many homes end up with private landlords, forcing councils to turn to them to meet their statutory duty, a system far more expensive than renting council houses at social rents.

The NHS is on its knees because of underfunding, outsourcing and privatisation. We need doctors, nurses, midwives, radiographers . . . the list is huge. We should be training them now and pay ALL NHS staff a decent wage to retain them.

The Communist Party say public transport, Royal Mail, water and energy sectors should be brought back into public ownership and democratic control. We know from experience that the privatised Southern Water Company has failed miserably! It's time to stop paying dividends and exorbitant bonuses to short-sighted greedy parasites and run these services for the good of all.

Let’s also stop adding to the sum of human misery by manufacturing weapons to wage wars of acquisition on behalf of the capitalist class, refurbish the factories and retrain the staff to build a green, sustainable economy so we can massively reduce emissions. This way we don't force millions from their homes through the impact of war and climate change, We can no longer allow the blind pursuit of profit to impoverish billions and destroy the Earth. Our human talents and ingenuity must be directed for the benefit of all not the few.


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  07/04/2024 UK Parliament - Hastings & Rye Lost 0.30% (-41.31%)
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