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  Aczel, Will
AffiliationLiberal Democrats   
NameWill Aczel
Address10 Thornton Hill
Exeter, England , United Kingdom
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2024 years)
Last ModifedRP
Jun 19, 2024 10:28am
InfoWill grew up, lives, and works right here in Exeter.

He deeply cares about the issues we face. This is borne out by his tireless campaigning and hundreds of doorstep conversations.

Whether it’s his daily litter-picking, his fundraising for local homelessness charities, his work in Exeter’s independent food sector, or speaking up for his community, Will is passionate about making Exeter a place where we can all thrive.

Vote for a local champion with fresh energy, perspective, and ideas who puts Exeter's people and our environment before private profits and dogmatic party politics.

If, like Will, you care deeply about investment, reform, and public control of our NHS; an action plan to end the disgusting sewage scandal; and, electoral reform to transform our politics for good: vote for real change. Vote Will Aczel for Exeter.

As Lib Dems, we respect our international commitments and are passionate about standing up for human rights and justice - more important than ever with the current global crises.

The Conservatives only have two councillors in the whole Exeter constituency, and they are more unpopular than last time when they fell far short. There is no risk of them winning in Exeter.

As for Labour, they are taking Exeter for granted. Let’s take the fight to them by voting Lib Dem. Every vote for Will Aczel and the Lib Dems better holds a likely incoming Labour government to account.

Together, we can build a better future.


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  07/04/2024 UK Parliament - Exeter Lost 10.45% (-34.89%)
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