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  Zollinger-Ball, Hans
NameHans Zollinger-Ball
Address1 Hall Gardens, High Street East
Uppingham, England , United Kingdom
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRP
Jun 30, 2024 07:35pm
InfoI’m honoured to be standing as the Green Party Candidate for the Loughborough constituency in the upcoming parliamentary election.

It is an honour to stand for a cause that I am deeply passionate about - creating a greener and more self-sufficient world starting from our local communities. Residing on the outskirts of Leicestershire with my beloved wife and two children, my extensive travels around the globe have opened my eyes to the pressing need for sustainable practices and community-driven solutions. Witnessing the strain on our local infrastructure caused by large-scale housing developments like Loughborough South and Shepshed West has inspired me to take action and offer to stand as your Member of Parliament for Loughborough. The inadequate contributions from developers towards essential infrastructure and flood defences have significantly impacted our towns, leading to immense pressure on local services. The current proposal by Tarmac Mountsorrel Quarry to extend mining permissions until 2058 poses a real threat to the delicate ecosystem of Quorn and Mountsorrel. Local voices must be heard in decisions of such magnitude, and I am committed to advocating for greater community involvement and environmental protection. I propose the establishment of a cross-community lending institution to support local shops, farming cooperatives, and small businesses by providing accessible funding at affordable interest rates. This initiative aims to foster community growth and resilience in the face of economic challenges. Moreover, addressing the critical issue of social housing shortages, I pledge to work towards securing adequate funding for local councils to construct council homes on brownfield sites. Ensuring that those in need have access to safe and affordable housing is paramount in building a more equitable society. I believe that community empowerment, environmental sustainability, and social welfare are key pillars in creating a prosperous and harmonious society. If entrusted with the responsibility of representing the Loughborough constituency, I am dedicated to championing these values and working tirelessly for the betterment of our community.

Hans Zollinger-Ball


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  07/04/2024 UK Parliament - Loughborough Lost 6.99% (-33.82%)
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