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  Yardley, Rebecca
NameRebecca Yardley
Helen, Georgia , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
ContributorRob Ritchie
Last ModifedRob Ritchie
Jan 05, 2023 10:23am
InfoToday Rebecca Yardley announced her candidacy for the Chairmanship of the Georgia Republican Party.

Yardley, who currently serves as the Chairman of the 9th District GOP, said “Our Party deserves a chairman who is fully focused on taking the steps required to win Georgia elections. I’ve witnessed firsthand the incredible work done on the county and district levels. Now it’s time to have our top leadership at the state match the same energy, concentration, and drive shown by our local members daily.”

Yardley went on to say, “If elected, I pledge to remain conservative, honest, and passionately committed to the wise development of our Party, its infrastructure, and disposition of its resources. Together, we will win the necessary battles in the rural and metro counties to secure victories for Republicans. Let this chairman’s race serve as our notice to the Democrat Party to send their billions of dollars from New York and California elsewhere, because their efforts in Georgia will be wasted in 2024.”

Yardley has been an active White County resident for the last 21 years and has served as chairman of the Gateway Theatre Company. She was elected as a delegate to the 2020 National Convention in Charlotte, NC. Additionally, she is a former Chairman of the White County Republican Party and is the current Chairman of the 9th District Republican Party.

Rebecca attended Valdosta State University and is employed with the White County School System. She is married to her husband Kris, and she has two daughters, Ansleigh and Peyton. The Yardley’s are members of Concord Baptist Church.

For more information about Rebecca and her platform please visit RebeccaforGA.com.

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