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  Van Binsbergen, Scott
NameScott Van Binsbergen
Address418 S 19th St
Montevideo, Minnesota , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
ContributorThe Oncoming Storm
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Jan 15, 2025 10:56pm
InfoLifelong resident, husband, father of three, active community volunteer and conservative Republican businessman Scott Van Binsbergen announced his candidacy for State Representative. Van Binsbergen is seeking the Republican endorsement for the District 16A seat in the Minnesota House of Representatives. The district includes nearly all of Chippewa County, all of Renville County, southeast Kandiyohi County and western Meeker County.

Van Binsbergen has knowledge and a long history of job creation and has built and owned successful companies creating hundreds of jobs across western Minnesota and throughout several states over the past 25 years. He has extensive experience in economic development, real estate, insurance, agriculture, banking, and healthcare.

His priorities include pushing back against the overwhelming influence of the growing hard left ideology as he works to protect your traditional values.

“The people of western Minnesota are among the hardest working, most resourceful and resilient in the nation. We need a fighter that will go to work in St. Paul to ensure we have a seat at the table and that our voices are heard and no longer ignored.”

Van Binsbergen is currently the president of Van Binsbergen & Associates which employs over 100 people in five states, and is a past recipient of the SW Minnesota Entrepreneur of the Year award. He has served on many local boards including the Montevideo Chamber of Commerce, United Way, Kiwanis, Hope Reformed Church, and is a member of the West Central Association of Realtors. He has been appointed by three different Minnesota Governors to the Minnesota Board of Accountancy, and is a former board of director for Klein Bank and Old National Bank in Montevideo.

Scott and his wife Clarissa have been married 28 years and have three children, Whitney, Andrew, and Adam. Their family resides in Montevideo.


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/05/2024 MN House Seat 16A Won 71.60% (+43.31%)
  11/07/2006 MN House Seat 20B Lost 42.85% (-14.22%)
  11/08/1994 MN House Seat 13B Lost 46.21% (-7.58%)
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