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  Selawsky, John T.
NameJohn T. Selawsky
Berkeley, California , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2024 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedThomas Walker
Dec 09, 2004 10:43am

Restored Fiscal Integrity to the District. In 2000, when John was first elected to his first term, the District experienced a series of financial problems, culminating in a Board approved three-year recovery plan. Now in 2004, the Board has passed a balanced budget and the District is back on solid financial ground.

Successfully Defended the District's School Assignment Plan in Superior Court. A very favorable ruling puts the District in strong position to successfully defend any further legal challenges. John was the strongest proponent on the Board for a legal defense of the plan.

Improved Traffic Safety at Schools. Successfully worked with community members, City staff, police department, and District staff to create and formalize school traffic safety plans, street signage, enforcement, and communication about issues of parking, drop-off and pick-up, pedestrian and bicycle safety, and safe zones around our school sites.

Maintained School Music Programs. Worked with the Music Committee and BAESC (Berkeley Arts in Education Steering Committee) to maintain middle school band and orchestra, the Art/Music Coordinators position, and other essential art and music program needs.

Authored the nation's first ban on irradiated food in school lunch programs. Successfully passed at the Board level.

Authored and introduced resolutions and proclamations in support of Walk to School and Work day in conjunction with City and UC efforts, all of which successfully passed at the Board level

Has supported Superintendent Lawrence in her efforts to stabilize budget and data systems within the District. Understands the importance and complexity of systems.

Has supported Jim Slemp's work at the High School.

Worked with community members, City and District staff on the Adult School's move to San Pablo Ave. site. Worked with other elected officials, both City and State, to procure necessary permits for the curb cut at San Pablo, a key demand of the neighborhood.

John initiated open community meetings regularly inviting citizens to join him in discussion and brainstorming sessions about BUSD and youth related topics.

Held many public community meetings to hear concerns of parents and community members, as well as to inform residents of plans, goals, and needs.

Participated in the 2 x 2 meetings with Mayor Bates and Councilmember Maio to work on common issues and objectives.

Began discussions with City library staff to develop possible collaborations between City library and District library facilities and staff.

Have begun discussions with CAFA, Community Action to Fight Asthma, the EPA, and others to develop better, more effective District response to Indoor Air Quality and childhood incidents of asthma.

Authored annual Gay, Lesbian, Transgender proclamations.

Authored Day of Peace proclamation following bombing of Iraq in Spring, 2003


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