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  Martínez, Daniel J. Bocic
NameDaniel J. Bocic Martínez
Address294 Sun Rose St
La Verne, California , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedDavid
Feb 15, 2023 11:40am
InfoDaniel José Bocic Martínez

Progressive dreamer grounded in Libertarian reality, and criminal/immigration attorney, Southern California local, Daniel Martinez has spent more than a decade serving the San Gabriel Valley, and advocating for our military veterans, and removing the legal/regulatory/bureaucratic barriers that stand between them and life-saving treatments for PTSD/suicide mitigation.

Born in Pasadena to parents of Chilean immigrants, Dan spent his childhood living in Duarte, Glendora, and La Verne. He attended Town And Country in Pasadena, Foothill Christian School in Glendora, and Damien H.S. in La Verne.

In 2006, he received degrees in Psychology and Philosophy from the University of San Diego. In 2009, he received a Juris Doctor from University of San Diego, School of Law, was admitted to the California Bar, and began a practice of law serving the local community ever since.

While studying law, he attended lectures by the late-Justice Stephens, and took clases on Separation of Powers and Statutory Interpretation from the late-Justice Scalia.

He founded a 501c(3) non-profit, Near-Infinity Art, to provide a platform where artists team up with charitable causes that inspire them to host an event where art is auctioned to raise funds for the partner charity.

He is an educator at Damien H.S., teaching a mentorship program geared towards their Debate Team.

Over his decade experience as an attorney, he has guided hundreds of our neighbors through the criminal and immigration court systems and has had a front row seat to the dysfunction of both systems.



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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/05/2024 CA District 31 Lost 40.27% (-19.46%)
  03/05/2024 CA District 31 - Open Primary Won 19.22% (+0.00%)
  11/08/2022 CA District 31 Lost 40.46% (-19.08%)
  06/07/2022 CA District 31 - Open Primary Won 36.72% (+0.00%)
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