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  Ambrose, Sharon
NameSharon Ambrose
Washington, District of Columbia , United States
Born September 09, 1939
Died April 01, 2017 (78 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Apr 03, 2017 02:45pm
InfoCouncilmember Sharon Ambrose, a thirty seven year resident of Ward 6, was first elected in 1997 re-elected in 1999 and in 2003 to a second four year term Mrs. Ambrose chairs the Council Committee on Economic Development, which has jurisdiction over the District of Columbia Housing Finance Agency, Department of Housing and Community Development, Local Business Opportunity Commission, Housing Production Trust Fund, Commission on Arts and Humanities, Office of Motion Picture & Television Development, DC Marketing Center, DC Chamber of Commerce, Washington Convention Center Authority, Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, BID’s, Sports & Entertainment Commission, Anacostia Waterfront Corporation, National Capital Revitalization Corp, and RLA Revitalization Corp. Councilmember Ambrose also sits on the Council's Committees on Consumer and Regulatory, Judiciary and Finance and Revenue.

Councilmember Ambrose serves on the Board of Directors of the National Children's Museum, Anacostia Coordinating Council, The National Maritime Heritage Foundation and is a member of the Capitol Hill Kiwanis, Capitol Hill Restoration Society, Kidsafe and other community organizations. She has served as President of Brent Elementary School PTA, founded the Capitol East Children's Center, was elected the Ward 6 Representative to the D.C. Democratic State Committee and has been at various times, a legislative staff director, a free lance writer and a political consultant.

Councilmember Ambrose is a native of Chicago and received a B.A. degree in English Literature from Saint Xavier University in Chicago. Councilmember Ambrose and her husband are the parents of four children, grandparents of four grandchildren and are members of St. Peter's Parish on Capitol Hill.

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/05/2002 DC Council Ward 6 Won 83.94% (+68.90%)
  11/03/1998 DC Council Ward 6 Won 91.72% (+84.43%)
  09/15/1998 DC Council Ward 6 - D Primary Won 55.57% (+27.65%)
  04/29/1997 DC Council Ward 6 - Special Election Won 25.05% (+7.01%)
DC Council Chairman - D Primary - Sep 12, 2006 D Kathy Patterson
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