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  LeBlanc, Neil J.
AffiliationProgressive Conservative   
NameNeil J. LeBlanc
Wedgeport, Nova Scotia , Canada
Born August 08, 1956
Died Still Living (69 years)
Last ModifedCampari_007
Dec 29, 2020 02:38am
Tags French -
InfoNeil LeBlanc, husband to Grace and proud father of Jordan, Shawn and Monique, is a long-time resident of Argyle, Yarmouth County.

In 1977, Neil graduated from St. Mary’s University, Halifax, with a Bachelor of Commerce, after which he worked for Peat, Marwick and Mitchell, now KPMG.

In 1984, at the age of 28, he was elected as the Progressive Conservative member for Argyle, becoming one of the youngest members to be elected to the Nova Scotia legislature. After his second election victory in 1988, he was named Solicitor General, becoming one of Nova Scotia’s youngest Cabinet Ministers.

In the early 1990's, Neil also served as Minister responsible for the Nova Scotia Sport and Recreation Commission and Minister of Government Services.

After losing a close election during the Liberal sweep of 1993, Neil returned home to establish N. LeBlanc Enterprises Ltd., a fish and lobster wholesale company.

In March of 1998, he made a political come-back, regaining Argyle for the Progressive Conservative Party with a significant majority. His leadership qualities quickly became evident to then Progressive Conservative leader, John Hamm, who soon after named him House Leader for the Progressive Conservative caucus.

With the 1999 election of a majority Progressive Conservative government under Premier John Hamm, on a platform of fiscal responsibility, Neil was also re-elected for a fourth time and appointed Minister of Finance, Minister of Business and Consumer Services, as well as Minister responsible for Acadian Affairs, Nova Scotia Resources Ltd., Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation, Halifax/Dartmouth Bridge Commission; and President de l’Association des Parlementaire Francais.


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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  02/11/2006 NS PC Party Leader Lost 25.63% (-18.71%)
  07/27/1999 NS House of Assembly - Argyle Won 77.01% (+61.46%)
  03/24/1998 NS House of Assembly - Argyle Won 53.59% (+20.12%)
  05/25/1993 NS House of Assembly - Argyle Lost 44.28% (-7.70%)
NS PC Party Leader - Feb 11, 2006 PC Rodney MacDonald
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