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  Lee, Samantha
NameSamantha Lee
Hartlepool, England , United Kingdom
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRP
Jul 04, 2024 08:37am
InfoAre you sick of the two-party system? Do you think our town could be so much better without outside interference? Do you really want change? My name is Sam Lee.

I am born and bred in Hartlepool. I was a journalist at the Hartlepool Mail for many years, I ran a media company for 15 years, working with almost all of the major businesses in Hartlepool and across the wider North East; and most recently, with the help of my son Billy, I ran my little Headland Coffee Wagon on weekends on the Headland prom.

I know this town inside out and I know what it needs. With me as your independent MP, I would have no one to answer to but you, no whip, no party leader, just you, the people of our town. Are you brave enough to vote for me?

And so I pledge to give my heart and soul to fighting for Hartlepool, not my own political career.

I will:

• Introduce a mobile voting app which allows you to tell me how you want me to vote on certain issues. (Direct Democracy)

• Give our kids jobs and prospects by positioning Hartlepool as a place with skilled workers ripe for investment, from companies servicing Dogger Bank and Teesworks.

• Fight against the polluting of our seas and the decimation of nature. Bring more food growing and allotment culture to our every day lives.

• Encourage tourism to our beautiful beaches at Seaton and the Headland and get our shops and businesses thriving.

• Tackle our drug and crime problems.

• Demand our hospital services and A&E are fully restored.

• Find a genuine way to help those with mental health struggles find the best care and help, including mental health coping strategies implemented in schools.

• Challenge every policy that does not benefit the people (and there are many)

• Get a grip of immigration in this town and demand answers on who is coming in, and whether we have the infrastructure to cope.

• Build more houses for young people, using local labour and local apprentices.

• Set up a medical scholarship scheme where we fund one doctor, one vet and one dentist each year and in return, they work for our town for a minimum of 5 years.


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  07/04/2024 UK Parliament - Hartlepool Lost 2.52% (-43.70%)
  05/06/2021 UK Parliament - Hartlepool - By-election Lost 9.70% (-42.18%)
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