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  Hayes, Max S.
NameMax S. Hayes
Cleveland, Ohio , United States
Born May 26, 1866
Died October 11, 1945 (79 years)
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Mar 06, 2024 05:01am
Tags Catholic -
InfoHAYES, MAX S. (MAXIMILIAN SEBASTIAN) (25 May 1866-11 Oct. 1945), LABOR spokesman and editor of the CLEVELAND CITIZEN, was born in Havanna, Ohio to Joseph and Elizabeth (Borer) Hayes. He was educated in common schools until 13, when he was apprenticed in printing. He completed his apprenticeship in Cleveland and was initiated as a journeyman in TYPOGRAPHICAL WORKERS UNION LOCAL NO. 53 in 1884, serving the local as organizer, president, and delegate. In 1891, Hayes helped launch the Cleveland Citizen, editing it for almost 50 years. By 1896, he was a leading activist in the Socialist Labor party and secretary of the Central Labor Union. In 1898 he was CLU delegate to the AFL national convention, beginning his battle with Sam Gompers over demands for union democracy, solidarity, and independent political action by labor. He received one third of the votes for president when he ran against Gompers in 1912. Yet despite his differences with national AFL policies, Hayes argued socialists' correct course was to fight from within rather than divide their forces in dual organizations. Hayes campaigned as a Socialist candidate for Congress in 1900, for Ohio secretary of state in 1902, and as Farmer-Labor party candidate for vice-president in 1920. Hayes helped found the CONSUMERS LEAGUE OF OHIO in 1900.

Delegate to the Socialist Party National Convention in 1904 (Ohio Elects the President, p. 74).

Hayes married Dora Schneider in 1900 and had 1 child, Maxine Elizabeth. She married A. I. Davey, Jr., who became editor of the Citizen when Hayes was incapacitated by a stroke in 1939. Max, Dora, and Maxine are buried in LAKE VIEW CEMETERY.


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Oct 11, 1945 08:20pm Obituary Obituary, Max S. Hayes  Not Available Chronicler 

  11/02/1920 US Vice President Lost 0.00% (-76.08%)
  07/14/1920 US Vice President - F-L Convention Won 95.30% (+91.12%)
  00/00/1912 AFL - President Lost 29.76% (-40.47%)
  11/03/1908 OH - District 21 Lost 4.39% (-54.90%)
  11/08/1904 OH - District 21 Lost 10.58% (-76.05%)
  11/06/1900 OH - District 21 Lost 1.11% (-53.95%)
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