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  Harmer, John L.
NameJohn L. Harmer
Lindon, Utah , United States
Born April 28, 1934
Died December 06, 2019 (85 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedBrentinCO
Aug 11, 2023 08:16pm
Tags Latter Day Saints (Mormon) -
InfoHarmer, born in Salt Lake City, is a former California senator and lieutenant governor.

Harmer served as a full-time legislator from 1967 through fall 1974, when then-Gov. Ronald Reagan appointed him to serve a four-month stint as lieutenant governor. Also while in California, Harmer was a regent of the University of California, a trustee of the California State University System and chairman of the Legislature Select Committee on Large Urban School Districts.

In 1980, he and his wife, Carolyn, along with their 10 children, returned to Utah. They settled in Bountiful, then moved to Lindon earlier this summer.

Since returning to Utah, Harmer has served as chairman of the National Center for Constitutional Studies, as a private attorney and as organizer of several national conferences. Harmer, 56, worked during the 1980s to clean up cable television in Utah. He helped draft legislation, later amended by the Legislature, to limit indecency on cable TV.

In 1988, Harmer became chairman of Eyring Inc., a Provo-based aerospace, communications and high-technology computer company. He has written two books - one on education and public welfare and the other on drug abuse.

Deseret News, 9/9/90

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  09/11/1990 UT District 3 - R Primary Lost 33.79% (-32.42%)
  06/16/1990 UT District 3 - R Convention Won 27.10% (+3.39%)
  06/08/1976 CA US Senate - R Primary Lost 8.51% (-29.74%)
  11/05/1974 CA Lt. Governor Lost 46.32% (-2.86%)
  10/04/1974 CA Lt. Governor - Appointment Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  06/04/1974 CA Lt. Governor - R Primary Won 56.75% (+13.49%)
  01/08/1973 CA State Senate President Pro Tempore Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  11/07/1972 CA State Senate 21 Won 68.14% (+36.29%)
  06/09/1970 CA Attorney General - R Primary Lost 21.30% (-34.41%)
  11/05/1968 CA State Senate 21 Won 72.79% (+45.59%)
  11/08/1966 CA State Senate 21 Won 71.62% (+43.24%)
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