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  Rasool, Ebrahim
AffiliationAfrican National Congress   
NameEbrahim Rasool
, Western Cape , South Africa
Born July 15, 1962
Died Still Living (62 years)
Contributor411 Name Removed
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Aug 11, 2023 11:25pm
Tags Islam -
Born on 15 July 1962 in District Six, Cape Town.

Educational Background

1980 Matriculated at Livingstone High School, Claremont
1983 Bachelor of Arts Degree, University of Cape Town.
1984 Higher Diploma in Education, University of Cape Town.

Political Background

1983 - 1988 Executive member of the United Democratic Front, Western Cape. (Spent 3 years as Provincial Secretary).
1984 - 1994 Served as National Secretary of the Call of Islam.
1986 - 1989 Served as National Co-ordinator of the World Conference on Religion and Peace (South African Chapter).
1991 - 1994 Served as Treasurer of the African National Congress in the Western Cape.
1996 - 1998 Served as Provincial Treasurer of the African National Congress in the Western Cape.
1998 - Current Chairperson if the ANC Western Cape
1998 - Current Member of the National Executive
1998 - Current Committee of the African National Congress

Positions Held:

1991 Chair of Board of Trust for Eco-Programme
1992 Chair of Board of Trust for Foundation for Contemporary Research
1994 -1998 Member of the Executive Member of the Executive Council (MEC) for Health and Social Services in Western Cape.
1998 - current current ANC Provincial Leader, ANC National Executive Committee member.
Dec 2001 - April 2004 MEC for Finance and Economic Development.
April 2004 - current Premier of the Western Cape

Career History:

1985 Teacher at Spine Road High School
1989 - 1991 Information Officer for the Foundation for Contemporary Research
1991 - 1994 Assistance to the Rector of the University of the Western Cape

Achievement / Awards

May 1997 Kaiser Foundation Nelson Mandela Award for Health and Human Rights.
Tygerberg Hospital "We Care" Award.
1997 Planned Parenthood of S.A. Western Cape Honorary Life Membership Award.
Life Patron of the Protocol for Child Abuse and Neglect.


African history
Literary reading
Rugby and cricket
Minister's main focus is on black economic empowerment projects. Contact his PRO for more info.

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Mar 15, 2025 12:00pm News US expels South Africa's ambassador, calling him 'race-baiting' Trump hater  Article IndyGeorgia 

  05/29/2024 SA MP - ANC National List 73 Lost 2.74% (-0.04%)
  12/20/2022 ANC National Executive Committee Lost 0.00% (-2.03%)
  12/20/2012 ANC National Executive Committee Lost 0.00% (-1.86%)
  07/01/2010 SA Ambassador to United States Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  12/20/2007 ANC National Executive Committee Lost 0.00% (-1.96%)
  04/30/2004 Western Cape Premier Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
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