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  Romero, Antonio F.
NameAntonio F. Romero
Vineland, New Jersey , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedWSNJ
Jan 20, 2022 11:06am
Tags Cuban -
InfoAntonio (Tony) Romero is a proud Cuban American; he has lived in Vineland for 54 years. Tony is a family man; he adores his beautiful wife, Mari, and his 5 children. Tony arrived in America from Communist Cuba as a young boy. His purpose is clear; he will do everything he can to preserve the America that offered his family refuge from the clutches of communism.

As a local business owner in Vineland, Antonio has seen firsthand what happens when only one party oversees a county. Tony has owned and operated an Auto business for the past 24 years; he understands the difficulty of navigating state and county regulations in order to remain successful in business. Tony has endured the state and county as they have over-regulated for too long. He knows our county needs to cut the red-tape restrictions that are onerous to those striving to start or maintain a local business. Tony will work to stop adding policies that stifle business owners from growth and prosperity.

Tony is a well-respected resident and businessman and has been recognized by many local organizations for his long-time support of the Hispanic community, the city of Vineland, and their neighboring communities. Some of his awards that Antonio is proud of are: Pennco Tech Diploma in Electronic Technology, MX Business Building Diploma, Casa Prac Business Award, Store Cable - Manager of the Year in customer relations, Certificate of Appreciation by the Puerto Rican Club, Proclamation in 2005 by the Vineland Mayor and a Proclamation by the State of NJ with a Proclamation by the Cumberland County Clerk's Office presented by Gloria Noto. He was recognized by DH Perfil Latino T.V. Inc. as the Hispanic Heritage Business Leader of the Year, and in 2021 was the recipient of the Martin Luther King Award.

Tony Romero will stand up for our Constitution, the New Jersey Constitution, and for Cumberland County as a Commissioner. He knows it is time for bold and fresh leadership in Cumberland County and is ready to serve as Commissioner to represent the citizens of our county.


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Date Category Headline Article Contributor

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