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  Alcorn, Sallie
NameSallie Alcorn
Houston, Texas , United States
Born Unknown
Died Still Living (2025 years)
Last ModifedRP
Aug 22, 2023 04:36pm
InfoPrior to running for office, Sallie was a longtime City Hall staffer. She served two council members as chief of staff and worked in the city’s flood recovery office. As chief of staff to the chair of the budget and fiscal affairs committee, Sallie learned to navigate the city’s $5 billion budget. She helped develop the city’s comprehensive financial policies and orchestrated five years of budget hearings. She was heavily involved in initial Harvey recovery efforts and obtained grant funding to advance green stormwater infrastructure initiatives. She assembled and managed a task force to tackle redevelopment and flooding policies, worked with council members to identify neighborhood drainage projects, and led the charge to bring Houston’s Adopt-A-Drain Program to life.

Sallie has a long history of serving her community. She has worked with offenders as a volunteer facilitator for Bridges to Life, a restorative justice prison program aimed at reducing recidivism rates. She is on the advisory board of the San Jose Clinic and the Houston Maritime Center and Museum and has previously served on the boards of Holocaust Museum Houston and the Houston READ Commission. Sallie has chaired events and raised funds for the Holocaust Museum, the Women’s Fund, the Children’s Museum, the READ Commission, and the Contemporary Arts Museum. She also served for many years as a parent volunteer at her children’s schools. Sallie is a longtime member of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church.

Sallie moved to Houston in the seventh grade and attended Westchester High School. She graduated with a finance degree from the University of Texas at Austin and a master of arts in public administration from the University of Houston.

She and her husband George have been married 34 years and have four grown children.


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  11/07/2023 Houston City Council At-Large 5 Won 59.95% (+36.12%)
  12/14/2019 Houston City Council At-Large 5 - Runoff Won 52.83% (+5.65%)
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