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  Walker, James J. "Jimmy"
NameJames J. "Jimmy" Walker
New York, New York , United States
Born June 19, 1881
Died November 18, 1946 (65 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Jan 01, 2015 09:02pm
Tags Irish - Catholic -
InfoJimmy Walker, the son of Irish immigrants, was born in New York City on 19th June, 1881. After graduating from St. Francis Xavier College and New York University Law School, Walker worked as a songwriter. He only had one success, Will You Love Me in December as You Do in May (1905).

Walker, a member of the Democratic Party, attracted the notice of several Tammany leaders and with their support was in 1914 elected to the New York Senate. A close associate of Alfred Smith, also the son of Irish Roman Catholics, Walker gradually moved up the party hierarchy. By 1921 he became leader of the party in the city and was their successful candidate for mayor in 1926. Walker was a popular figure in the city and was responsible establishing the Department of Sanitation, unified the public hospital system and approved the construction of the subway.

Re-elected in 1929, Walker soon found himself the subject of a corruption investigation led by Samuel Seabury. Unable to explain the large sums of money that had been paid into his bank account, Walker was forced to resign from office in September, 1932. Facing fifteen charges of corruption, Walker fled to Europe and did not return until he was convinced he would not be prosecuted for his financial offences.

In 1940 Fiorello La Guardia, the mayor of New York City, appointed him as arbiter in garment industry disputes. Jimmy Walker was also president of the Majestic Records Company until his death on 18th November, 1946.

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Title Purchase Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

  11/05/1929 New York City Mayor Won 60.70% (+34.98%)
  11/03/1925 New York City Mayor Won 65.78% (+35.33%)
  09/15/1925 NYC Mayor - D Primary Won 61.69% (+23.38%)
  11/04/1924 NY State Senate 12 Won 76.75% (+60.00%)
  11/07/1922 NY State Senate 12 Won 76.23% (+64.17%)
  01/05/1921 NY State Senate Temporary President & Majority Leader Lost 17.02% (-63.83%)
  11/02/1920 NY State Senate 12 Won 49.64% (+19.54%)
  11/05/1918 NY State Senate 12 Won 68.27% (+52.05%)
  11/07/1916 NY State Senate 13 Won 67.31% (+36.70%)
  11/03/1914 NY State Senate 13 Won 67.67% (+41.61%)
  11/04/1913 NY Assembly - New York 05 Won 63.59% (+28.75%)
  11/05/1912 NY Assembly - New York 05 Won 69.09% (+54.04%)
  11/06/1911 NY Assembly - New York 05 Won 65.31% (+33.02%)
  11/08/1910 NY Assembly - New York 05 Won 68.06% (+43.99%)
  11/09/1909 NY Assembly - New York 05 Won 57.87% (+16.57%)
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