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  Mailer, Norman
NameNorman Mailer
New York, New York , United States
Born January 31, 1923
Died November 10, 2007 (84 years)
Contributor411 Name Removed
Last ModifedRBH
Apr 29, 2016 03:00am
Tags Caucasian - Jewish - Divorced - Married - Alcoholic - Army - Imprisoned - Straight -

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know

Title Purchase Contributor
Why Are We in Vietnam?  Purchase Craverguy 
Why Are We at War?  Purchase Craverguy 
Tough Guys Don't Dance  Purchase Craverguy 
The White Negro  Purchase Craverguy 
The Time of Our Time  Purchase Craverguy 
The Spooky Art: Thoughts on Writing  Purchase Craverguy 
The Prisoner of Sex  Purchase Craverguy 
The Presidential Papers of Norman Mailer  Purchase Craverguy 
The Naked and the Dead  Purchase Craverguy 
The Gospel According to the Son  Purchase Craverguy 
The Fight  Purchase Craverguy 
The Faith of Graffiti  Purchase Craverguy 
The Executioner's Song  Purchase Craverguy 
The Deer Park  Purchase Craverguy 
The Castle in the Forest  Purchase Craverguy 
The Big Empty: Dialogues on Politics, Sex, God, Boxing, Morality, Myth, Poker, and Bad Conscience in America  Purchase Craverguy 
The Armies of the Night: History as a Novel, the Novel as History  Purchase Craverguy 
St. George and the Godfather  Purchase Craverguy 
Picasso: Portrait of Picasso as a Young Man  Purchase Craverguy 
Oswald's Tale: An American Mystery  Purchase Craverguy 
On God: An Uncommon Conversation  Purchase Craverguy 
Of Women and Their Elegance  Purchase Craverguy 
Of a Fire on the Moon  Purchase Craverguy 
Miami and the Siege of Chicago  Purchase Craverguy 
Marilyn  Purchase Craverguy 
Harlot's Ghost  Purchase Craverguy 
Cannibals and Christians  Purchase Craverguy 
Barbary Shore  Purchase Craverguy 
Ancient Evenings  Purchase Craverguy 
An American Dream  Purchase Craverguy 
Advertisements for Myself  Purchase Craverguy 

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Nov 10, 2007 02:20pm Obituary Norman Mailer dead at age 84  Article Monsieur 

  10/10/1973 Nobel Prize in Literature Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  10/10/1972 Nobel Prize in Literature Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  06/17/1969 NYC Mayor - D Primary Lost 5.31% (-27.54%)
HI - District 01 - Nov 04, 2008 D Neil Abercrombie
US President - D Primaries - Jun 03, 2008 D Barack Obama
NY US President - D Primary - Mar 25, 1980 D Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy
US President - D Primaries - Jun 03, 1980 D Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy
US President - D Primaries - Jun 11, 1968 D Robert F. Kennedy
US President National Vote - Nov 02, 1948 D Henry A. Wallace
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